PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
11/11/13 10:42PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:42PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:42PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:41PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:41PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:40PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:40PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:40PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:39PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:37PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:36PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:36PM A Forest Grove
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:35PM On a Wooden Bridge
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:29PM Before a Large Iron Gate
[1 Sorcerer] Guw (Minotaur)
[5 Mercenary] Infe (Minotaur)
11/11/13 10:06PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[50 Shadowmage] Warez (Gnome)
[1 Zealot] Choron Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Wildmage] Noir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/11/13 08:16PM On an Underground River
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[15 Ethermancer] Bih (Orc)
11/10/13 08:46AM In a Dirty Compound
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] Nel (Gnome)
[56 Storm Druid] Nicram The Empire (Barbarian)
[52 Holyman] Sxt The Empire (Human)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Storm Druid] Kroth The Empire (Centaur)
[52 Guardian] Kli The Empire (Dwarf)
[51 Forest Druid] Meroveus The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] San The Empire (Dwarf)
[50 Defender] Gessepi The Empire (Human)
[56 Dark Knight] Zzan (Orc)
11/10/13 08:46AM The Central Path of Shaboath
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] Nel (Gnome)
[56 Storm Druid] Nicram The Empire (Barbarian)
[52 Holyman] Sxt The Empire (Human)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Storm Druid] Kroth The Empire (Centaur)
[52 Guardian] Kli The Empire (Dwarf)
[51 Forest Druid] Meroveus The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] San The Empire (Dwarf)
[50 Defender] Gessepi The Empire (Human)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
11/09/13 04:52AM The Bar of Dancing Flame
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[51 Swordsman] Vanek The Empire (Thri-Kreen)
[52 Holyman] Sxt The Empire (Human)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Holyman] San The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Minstrel] Rif (Barbarian)
[56 Guardian] Deathli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 MaUleR] Bryken The Empire (Centaur)
[56 Storm Druid] Kroth The Empire (Centaur)
[56 Holyman] Nel (Gnome)
[50 Forest Druid] Faux (Kobold)
11/09/13 04:44AM Corridor within Krethik Keep
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[51 Forest Druid] Meroveus The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Spiritualist] Zzile (Barbarian)
[51 Swordsman] Vanek The Empire (Thri-Kreen)
[52 Holyman] Sxt The Empire (Human)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Holyman] San The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Minstrel] Rif (Barbarian)
[56 Guardian] Deathli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 MaUleR] Bryken The Empire (Centaur)
[56 Storm Druid] Kroth The Empire (Centaur)
[52 Guardian] Kli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] Nel (Gnome)
[56 Flame Reaver] Lieke (Troll)
11/09/13 01:11AM Pathway Around a Slow Moving Stream
[50 Brigand] Niaf The Empire (Minotaur)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[1 Zealot] Choron Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/08/13 10:42PM Along the Western Wall of the Goblin Camp
[33 Storm Druid] Uhg The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/08/13 08:14AM The Immense Caverns of the Elder Brain
[56 Necrolyte] Aktosh The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Dark Knight] Zzan (Orc)
11/08/13 02:59AM The Viscount's Office
[56 Holyman] San The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Minstrel] Rif (Barbarian)
[56 Shadowmage] Cora The Empire (Gnome)
[50 Defender] Gessepi The Empire (Human)
[52 Guardian] Kli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/07/13 08:08PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[56 Storm Druid] Nicram The Empire (Barbarian)
[56 Shadowmage] Kabo The Empire (Githzerai)
[51 Spiritualist] Uzzac (Gnome)
[56 Cavalier] Tolm The Empire (Dwarf)
[52 Zealot] Xen The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Necrolyte] Aktosh The Empire (Gnome)
[51 Swordsman] Iruzlo Disciple of Lloth (Thri-Kreen)
11/07/13 07:20PM The Road Leading From Tharnadia
[56 Shadowmage] Kabo The Empire (Githzerai)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Wildmage] Noir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[50 Forest Druid] Faux (Kobold)
[51 Guardian] Squin (Troll)
[51 Swordsman] Iruzlo Disciple of Lloth (Thri-Kreen)
[56 Dark Knight] Nib Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
11/07/13 03:33PM On the Bridge of the Ketch Hunter
[43 Bounty Hunter] Kaer (Centaur)
[1 Zealot] Choron Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/07/13 10:55AM The Waters of the Abyss
[56 Crusader] Om (Barbarian)
[56 Dark Knight] Zzan (Orc)
11/07/13 01:13AM A Field of Corn
[50 Defender] Gessepi The Empire (Human)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[52 Enslaver] Dermo Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
11/07/13 12:55AM Bank of Nax'Varan
[56 Channeler] Abue The Empire (Human)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)