The death of [46 Elementalist] Draqus Brewed in Blood (Troll)

in A Roughly Hewn Hallway

from the perspective of [46 Forest Druid] Morrigu < The Commonwealth > (Halfling)

<worn as a badge>    a wisp of shimmering faerie light (illuminating)
<worn on head>       a blood hawk headdress [54%]
<worn on eyes>       a wad of spawn goo [poor] (magic) (humming)
<worn in ear>        an ancient dragon tooth earring [poor] (magic)
<worn in ear>        an ear clasp of petrified dragon claws (magic) (illuminating) [89%]
<worn on face>       a salamander scale mask [85%]
<worn around neck>   a royal token of Valois (magic) (glowing)
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads (magic) [88%]
<worn on body>       an imperceptable shroud of stars [superior] (invis) (magic) (glowing) (humming)
<worn about body>    the cloak of multi-colored beads (magic) (glowing) [80%]
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic) [42%]
<worn about waist>   a waistband of rock and stone [superior] (magic) [85%]
<worn on belt buckle>a glowing white pearl (glowing)
<attached to belt>   a small circular shield of blue flames [superior] [64%]
<worn on arms>       some platinum linked sleeves of life (magic)[218h 2m 14s]
<held as shield>     a large shield made from basilisk scales [poor] (magic) [85%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide (magic) (humming)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich teeth [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn on hands>      the hands of justice (magic) (glowing)
<worn on finger>     the ring of illusions (magic)
<worn on finger>     the ring of illusions (magic)
<held>               the orb of elemental fire (magic) (glowing)[54h 13m 29s]
<worn on legs>       a pair of blood-stained wyrm scale leggings [poor] (magic)

Obvious exits: -E# -S -W#
A large portal hovers in mid-air.
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Krey  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A half-elf merchant is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
*Kiria  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sainth  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Jixan  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Skir  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Juts  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a beautiful pegasus.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Sizen enters from the south.
Gukkz enters from the south.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts closes the door.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Before a Shimmering Portal
Obvious exits: -E# -S# -W#
A large portal hovers in mid-air.
Gukkz  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Sizen  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Krey  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A half-elf merchant is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
*Kiria  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sainth  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Jixan  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Skir  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Juts  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a beautiful pegasus.(Holy)(Gold Aura)

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash starts casting a spell.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash completes his spell...
Sadash utters the words 'wuffaf uwaoz'
A spitting image of Sadash suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Sadash suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Sadash suddenly rises from the ground!
A spitting image of Sadash suddenly rises from the ground!

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash is now a member of Sadash's group.
Sadash is now a member of Sadash's group.
Sadash is now a member of Sadash's group.
Sadash is now a member of Sadash's group.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
You see nothing special about him.
Skir appears to be Githzerai and is in excellent condition.
He's medium in size.
He is in the front rank.
His skin has a barklike texture..
He seems to be moving much faster than normal..
His body seems to be made of stone!
He is surrounded by a maelstrom of energy!
He's encased in a shimmering globe!
He's surrounded by a diffuse globe of light!
He is surrounded by a magenta glow.
He is surrounded by a blood-red glow.

<worn as a badge>    a glowing blue crystal (magic) [71%]
<worn on head>       the great helm of mysticism (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       a burnt platinum visor from Du'Maathe Castle
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies [89%]
<worn in ear>        an earring of spinning ice crystals (magic) (humming)
<worn on face>       the mask of bloodlust [poor] (glowing)
<worn around neck>   a legendary iron charm from Du'Maathe Castle [86%]
<worn around neck>   a sparkling marble necklace from Du'Maathe Castle
<worn on body>       a robe of the Titan magi (magic)
<worn about body>    the cloak of Kings [59%]
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight of endurance (magic)
<worn about waist>   a utility belt of poisoning agents [superior]
<worn on belt buckle>a stylish emerald belt buckle from Du'Maathe Castle
<worn on arms>       some mysterious sleeves
<held as shield>     a large gold-rimmed church door (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a gnomish lifegiving wristband [superior]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of finger bones [superior]
<worn on hands>      the inquitous gloves of submission
<worn on finger>     a well-used sapphire signet from Du'Maathe Castle
<worn on finger>     a ghastly reptile scale signet from Du'Maathe Castle [88%]
<held>               the butchered tentacle of an Illithid-lord [poor] (glowing) [68%]
<worn on legs>       some pantaloons covered in runes (magic)
<worn on feet>       some well-used obsidian moccasins from Sea Kingdom [78%]

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts opens the second.

< 673h/673H 166v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts leaves east riding on a beautiful pegasus.
Skir leaves east.
Jixan leaves east.
Sainth leaves east.
Krey leaves east.
Sadash leaves east.
Sadash leaves east.
Sadash leaves east.
Sadash leaves east.
Sadash leaves east.
You follow Sadash.

You feel uneasy with so many Good players in Ny'Neth.
Before the Second Portal
Obvious exits: -W
A large portal hovers in mid-air.
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Krey  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A half-elf merchant is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
*Kiria  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sainth  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Jixan  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Skir  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Juts  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a beautiful pegasus.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Sizen enters from the west.
Gukkz enters from the west.

< 673h/673H 164v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash gives Sadash an order.
Sadash enters a glowing portal..

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Hint: Rogues can check an enemy's health without breaking hide by using the 'glance' command.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (16/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   986/986   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  496/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)     1/1     hit,  171/173  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  168/170  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  172/174  move Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
Juts starts casting a spell.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sizen's skin seems to turn to stone.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts completes his spell...
Juts utters the word 'gaiqhjabral'
Juts is encased in a solid white aura!

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (16/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   986/986   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  520/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)     1/1     hit,  173/173  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  170/170  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  174/174  move Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sizen quaffs a green potion with black chunks.
Sizen's pupils rapidly dilate until almost no iris is visible.
Sizen appears to grow tougher and more powerful.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (16/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   984/984   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  520/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)     1/1     hit,  173/173  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  170/170  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  174/174  move Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   982/982   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  528/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)     1/1     hit,  173/173  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  170/170  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  174/174  move Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash says 'just now'

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Tsunami, the trident of storms carried by Sainth.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Before the Second Portal
Obvious exits: -W
A large portal hovers in mid-air.
Gukkz  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.
Sizen  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Krey  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A half-elf merchant is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Gold Aura)
*Kiria  < The Commonwealth > (Barbarian)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sainth  < The Commonwealth > (Grey Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Jixan  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Skir  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Juts  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a beautiful pegasus.(Holy)(Gold Aura)

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   974/974   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  609/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)     1/1     hit,  173/173  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  170/170  move Sadash
(Front)     1/1     hit,  174/174  move Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Tiamat's poison tail stinger carried by a half-elf merchant.
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash gives an order to his followers.
Sadash enters a glowing portal..
Sadash enters a glowing portal..
Sadash enters a glowing portal..

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   968/968   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   966/966   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   966/966   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   964/964   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   964/964   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   962/962   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   960/960   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash shakes his head negatively.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   960/960   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   958/958   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Your group consists of (15/30):
( Head)   796/796   hit,  228/228  move Sadash
(Front)   956/956   hit,  232/232  move Juts
(Front)  1316/1316  hit,  162/162  move Gukkz
(Front)   765/736   hit,  254/254  move Sizen
(Front)   833/833   hit,  212/212  move Sainth
(Front)   515/515   hit,  193/193  move Krey
(Front)   820/820   hit,  330/330  move Fraglo
(Front)  1338/1338  hit,  334/334  move Kiria
(Front)  1480/1480  hit,  640/640  move a beautiful pegasus
(Front)   734/734   hit,  159/159  move Skir
(Front)   673/673   hit,  168/168  move Morrigu
(Front)   624/624   hit,  202/202  move Jixan
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
(Front)                                Sadash
Juts enters a glowing portal..

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Skir enters a glowing portal..

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sizen enters a glowing portal..

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You enter a glowing portal..
A Roughly Hewn Hallway
Obvious exits: -E -W
[3] A glowing sphere of energy is here, slowly growing dimmer. (magic)
[2] A black rift of swirling mass is here, tearing itself apart. (magic)
[4] The corpse of an illithite golem is lying here.
[3] The corpse of a thorn-root tree is lying here.
Sizen  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Skir  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*Juts  < The Commonwealth > (Githzerai)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a beautiful pegasus.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
Sadash  < The Commonwealth > (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)
*A Troll (large) Caskling Brewed in Blood stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sainth slowly fades into existence.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You quickly scan the area.
You see nothing.
Sadash slowly fades into existence.
A half-elf merchant slowly fades into existence.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Krey slowly fades into existence.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts snaps into visibility.
A Troll snaps into visibility.
A beautiful pegasus's hooves crash into a Troll's chest with a stunning force.
Kiria slowly fades into existence.
Sizen settles to his knees.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Jixan slowly fades into existence.
Sizen's leap knocks into a Troll, sending him slightly off balance...

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Casting: sunray 
Sainth starts casting an offensive spell.
A half-elf merchant snaps into visibility.
A half-elf merchant's weak pierce grazes a Troll.
A half-elf merchant's weak pierce grazes a Troll.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The intense flames cause a Troll's skin to smolder and burn!
[Damage: 156 ] -=[You unleash light in a focused, searing ray at a Troll!]=-
A Troll suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Troll's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sadash plays a song to lift his spirit off the ground.
Kiria attempts to stab a Troll in the back, but a Troll's stone skin quickly absorbs the impact before fading away!
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Kiria places a darksteel rapier with a strange black stone in the back of a Troll, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Sainth completes his spell...
Sainth utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
The intense flames cause a Troll's skin to smolder and burn!
Sainth calls down a roaring flamestrike at a Troll who starts to melt!
A beautiful pegasus suddenly attacks a Troll!
A beautiful pegasus misses a Troll.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Juts parries a Troll's lunge at him.
A Troll misses a beautiful pegasus.
Juts snaps into visibility.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
A Troll's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
Juts snaps into visibility.
Juts's impressive slash wounds a Troll.
Juts's impressive slash wounds a Troll.
Juts's impressive slash strikes a Troll.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
Kiria's impressive slash wounds a Troll.
Kiria's impressive slash wounds a Troll.
Kiria's impressive slash strikes a Troll.
Kiria's impressive slash wounds a Troll.
Kiria's impressive slash strikes a Troll.
Sizen's fine punch wounds a Troll.
Sizen's fine punch wounds a Troll.
Sizen's fine punch wounds a Troll.
Sizen's impressive punch strikes a Troll.
A Troll begins to sllooowwww down.
Sizen's impressive punch strikes a Troll.
Sizen's fine punch strikes a Troll.
A Troll seems to be blinded!
Sizen's impressive punch strikes a Troll.
Sainth starts casting an offensive spell.

< 673h/673H 168v/168V Pos: standing >
The etherportal crumbles to dust and blows away.
A Troll's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
A half-elf merchant's impressive pierce strikes a Troll.
A half-elf merchant's pierce strikes a Troll hard.
A half-elf merchant's impressive pierce strikes a Troll.
A half-elf merchant's pierce strikes a Troll.
Placing his weight low Sizen shifts into a more aggressive stance.
Sizen deals a crippling blow to the side of a Troll's neck.
Sizen's impressive punch seriously wounds a Troll.
Sizen's fine punch strikes a Troll hard.
A Troll screams as Sizen sinks five fingers into soft spots in his shoulder.
Sizen's impressive punch hits a Troll.
A Troll is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Sizen's weak punch hits a Troll.
A Troll's glittering mithril breastplate was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Troll's some jeweled stone vambraces was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Troll's boots of ether was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Troll's devil eyes of the ghargatula [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Troll is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Morrigu by 5076923.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!