PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
12/27/16 07:01AM The Waters of the Abyss
[27 BeRSeRKeR] Laz The Resistance (Barbarian)
[27 Cleric] Mub The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[26 Necromancer] Soldon (Drow Elf)
12/27/16 06:36AM The Wide Expanses of Prairie Lands
[23 Necromancer] Fer (Githzerai)
[26 Ethermancer] Bh (Kobold)
12/27/16 05:14AM Sand Dunes of the Calimshan Desert
[22 Necromancer] Fer (Githzerai)
[26 Shaman] Azar (Kobold)
12/27/16 05:09AM A Jungle Trail
[20 Shaman] Tik (Human)
[26 Shaman] Azar (Kobold)
12/27/16 01:11AM Gambling Room Below the Inn
[27 Paladin] Yzar (Skeleton)
[12 Summoner] Kymas (Kobold)
12/26/16 08:17PM Northern Valley of Myrabolus
[26 Conjurer] Aziz The Resistance (Human)
[26 Psionicist] Nz The Resistance (Githzerai)
[26 Monk] Zkl (Orc)
12/26/16 08:01PM Matafana Street
[20 Conjurer] Sirce (Gnome)
[26 Ethermancer] Bh (Kobold)
12/26/16 07:47PM a Well Traveled Path
[27 Paladin] Yzar (Revenant)
[22 Mercenary] Bryken (Troll)
12/26/16 10:28AM Broad Street
[26 Conjurer] Jov The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[26 Psionicist] Nz The Resistance (Githzerai)
[26 Mercenary] Nair The Resistance (Halfling)
[26 Cleric] Tadra The Resistance (Human)
[21 Mercenary] Kiria (Drow Elf)
12/26/16 08:31AM Grumbiter's Inn
[26 Conjurer] Jov The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[26 Mercenary] Nair The Resistance (Halfling)
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz The Resistance (Barbarian)
[26 Psionicist] Nz The Resistance (Githzerai)
[26 Conjurer] Aziz The Resistance (Human)
[26 Cleric] Mub The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[26 Cleric] Tadra The Resistance (Human)
[26 Paladin] Rex The Resistance (Human)
[ 1 Sorcerer] Shabay (Kobold)
12/26/16 08:19AM Within Smokeveil Forest
[26 Mercenary] Nair The Resistance (Halfling)
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz The Resistance (Barbarian)
[26 Psionicist] Nz The Resistance (Githzerai)
[26 Conjurer] Aziz The Resistance (Human)
[26 Cleric] Mub The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[26 Cleric] Tadra The Resistance (Human)
[25 Necromancer] Kirderf (Kobold)
12/26/16 06:44AM The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz The Resistance (Barbarian)
[ 9 Mercenary] Pidd (Goblin)
12/26/16 01:28AM Vella's Room of Seduction
[19 Psionicist] Jixan (Githzerai)
[17 Illusionist] Matikai (Kobold)
12/26/16 12:49AM Along the Aqueduct
[25 Cleric] Mub (Grey Elf)
[26 Conjurer] Orthyn (Grey Elf)
[21 Warrior] Grund (Minotaur)
12/25/16 10:39PM A Turn in the Thur'Gurax Concourse
[26 Paladin] Yzar (Death Knight)
[10 Mercenary] Pidd (Goblin)
12/25/16 10:35PM The Dark Waters of a Fetid Bog
[26 Paladin] Yzar (Death Knight)
[26 Ethermancer] Bh (Kobold)
12/25/16 08:07PM The Northern Gate of Split Shield
[26 Paladin] Yzar (Wight)
[19 Bard] Mazin (Orc)
12/25/16 06:36PM The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
[26 Paladin] Yzar (Revenant)
[21 Mercenary] Pidd (Goblin)
12/25/16 05:13AM Waiting Room of the Inn
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz (Barbarian)
[22 Ethermancer] Taji (Kobold)
12/25/16 05:09AM A Chamber Filled with Furs
[26 Illusionist] Xziz (Grey Elf)
[ 6 Warrior] Trist (Thri-Kreen)
12/25/16 04:36AM Aboard the Sloop Dark Hoizon
[26 Shaman] Lurt (Grey Elf)
[25 Shaman] Azar (Kobold)
12/25/16 04:29AM A Long Narrow Shaft
[26 Shaman] Lurt (Grey Elf)
[ 6 Warrior] Trist (Thri-Kreen)
12/25/16 02:32AM Northern Road Along the Fence
[26 Conjurer] Orthyn (Grey Elf)
[22 Ethermancer] Taji (Kobold)
12/25/16 02:10AM A Deep Lake Formed at the Center of an Ancient Crater
[23 Sorcerer] Nil (Minotaur)
[23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)
12/25/16 01:37AM High Ranger's Sleeping Chamber
[21 Cleric] Mub (Grey Elf)
[25 Monk] Krzzn (Orc)
12/25/16 01:34AM Courtyard of the Inner Sanctum
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz (Barbarian)
[25 Necromancer] Zloin (Gnome)
[26 Necromancer] Obe (Gnome)
[26 Paladin] Jubei (Human)
[26 Mercenary] Nair (Halfling)
[23 Druid] Berolin (Grey Elf)
[24 Mercenary] Slusk (Troll)
[23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)
[25 Psionicist] Nijot (Githyanki)
[26 Anti-Paladin] Rargg (Orc)
12/25/16 01:34AM Cobweb Covered Hallway
[25 Warrior] Hami (Barbarian)
[24 Mercenary] Slusk (Troll)
[23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)
[25 Psionicist] Nijot (Githyanki)
[26 Anti-Paladin] Rargg (Orc)
12/25/16 01:33AM Cobweb Covered Hallway
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz (Barbarian)
[25 Cleric] Kale (Dwarf)
[25 Warrior] Hami (Barbarian)
[24 Mercenary] Slusk (Troll)
[23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)
[24 Psionicist] Nijot (Githyanki)
[26 Anti-Paladin] Rargg (Orc)
12/25/16 01:33AM Courtyard of the Keep
[25 Necromancer] Zloin (Gnome)
[25 Cleric] Eddie (Duergar)
12/25/16 01:32AM Cobweb Covered Hallway
[26 BeRSeRKeR] Laz (Barbarian)
[25 Cleric] Kale (Dwarf)
[25 Necromancer] Zloin (Gnome)
[26 Sorcerer] Bisil (Grey Elf)
[26 Necromancer] Obe (Gnome)
[25 Warrior] Hami (Barbarian)
[24 Mercenary] Slusk (Troll)
[23 Conjurer] Terru (Orc)
[25 Cleric] Eddie (Duergar)
[24 Psionicist] Nijot (Githyanki)
[26 Anti-Paladin] Rargg (Orc)