<worn on head> a pitted bone circlet
<worn on eyes> a dragon-embossed black and silver eyepatch [poor]
<worn on body> a fine suit of leather armor
<held as shield> a small round wooden shield
<worn around wrist> a burnt bronze wristguard
<primary weapon> a short steel dagger
You don a twined limestone cap on your head.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Character attributes for Glugg
Level: 24 Race: Drider Class: Necromancer
Age: 16 yrs / 2 mths Height: 70 inches Weight: 131 lbs Size: large
Actual (Base) Actual (Base)
Str: 91 ( 87) Pow: 76 ( 89)
Dex: 101 ( 92) Int: 92 ( 92)
Agi: 115 (100) Wis: 85 (100)
Con: 120 (100) Cha: 62 ( 89) Luk: 94 ( 94)
Equipped Items: 7 Carried weight: 52
Armor Points: -118 Reduces melee damage taken by 11.8%
Melee Critical Percentage(int): 8%
Max Spell Damage Reduction Percent(wis): 0%
Calming Chance(cha): 6%
HP Vamp Cap Percentage(pow): 110%
Spell Damage Modifier(str): 100%
Bloodlust Damage Bonus(vs mob only): 4%
Hitroll: better than average Damroll: fairly good
Alignment: extremely evil
Saving Throws: PAR[slightly below average] FEA[slightly below average]
BRE[average] SPE[average]
Load carried: Very Light
Character attributes for Glugg
Level: 24 Race: Drider Class: Necromancer
Age: 16 yrs / 2 mths Height: 70 inches Weight: 131 lbs Size: large
Actual (Base) Actual (Base)
Str: 91 ( 87) Pow: 76 ( 89)
Dex: 101 ( 92) Int: 92 ( 92)
Agi: 115 (100) Wis: 85 (100)
Con: 120 (100) Cha: 62 ( 89) Luk: 94 ( 94)
Equipped Items: 7 Carried weight: 52
Armor Points: -118 Reduces melee damage taken by 11.8%
Melee Critical Percentage(int): 8%
Max Spell Damage Reduction Percent(wis): 0%
Calming Chance(cha): 6%
HP Vamp Cap Percentage(pow): 110%
Spell Damage Modifier(str): 100%
Bloodlust Damage Bonus(vs mob only): 4%
Hitroll: better than average Damroll: fairly good
Alignment: extremely evil
Saving Throws: PAR[slightly below average] FEA[slightly below average]
BRE[average] SPE[average]
Load carried: Very Light
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A muscular villager enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A young villager leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
This item is from the zone: Heaven.
'a pitted bone circlet'
Weight 3, Item type: ARMOR
AC-apply is 5
This item will also affect your WIS positively.
A pitted bone circlet has an item value of 65.
A pitted bone circlet is made of bone and appears to be of average quality.
A pitted bone circlet has an item value of 65.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A muscular villager leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You stop using a twined limestone cap.
You don a pitted bone circlet on your head.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -North -East
A few drops of fresh blood are scattered around the area.
The corpse of a village commoner is lying here.
The corpse of a traveling merchant is lying here.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A traveling merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering merchant enters from the north.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant leaves north.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Casting: embalm **
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Casting: embalm *
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
The corpse of a village commoner is preserved for an additional 50 hours.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering merchant leaves north.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Casting: raise spectre **
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant enters from the north.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You breathe life into the corpse of a village commoner with the awesome power of your art.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
No one here by that name.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
An aura of death surrounds you!
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A field of living energy slowly forms around you.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -North -East
The corpse of a traveling merchant is lying here.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A peasant commoner enters from the north.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
a Well Traveled Path
The ground here is a hard packed dirt. Some broken twigs, charred leaves,
small stones, blades of grass, and faded footprints are evident on the ground
here. All of which are signs that this path is very well traveled. The
majestic songs of birds ring out bringing a feeling of absolute and utter
peace. A calm gentle breeze blows here causing some charred leaves to fly
Obvious exits: -East -West
A giant hammer with a long handle is here.
The corpse of a traveling adventurer is lying here.
A buckler is on the ground here gathering dust and dirt.
A hand axe is on the ground here collecting dust.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A traveling merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
A traveling merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
A wandering merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A muscular villager wanders here looking to start a fight.
A young villager wanders here, singing songs of joy.
< 202h/202H 224v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer leaves east.
< 202h/202H 224v/226V Pos: standing >
< 202h/202H 224v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 224v/226V Pos: standing >
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -East -West
A giant hammer with a long handle is here.
The corpse of a traveling adventurer is lying here.
A buckler is on the ground here gathering dust and dirt.
A hand axe is on the ground here collecting dust.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A traveling adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
A traveling merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
A traveling merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A wandering merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A muscular villager wanders here looking to start a fight.
A young villager wanders here, singing songs of joy.
< 202h/202H 225v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Score information for Glugg
Level: 24 Race: Drider Class: Necromancer Sex: Male
Hit points: 202(202) Moves: 226(226)
Coins carried: 0 platinum 0 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Compression ratio: 75%
Status: Standing.
Frags: +0.00 Deaths: 7
Enchantments: Ultravision Armor
Combat Pulse: 19 Spell Pulse: 0.96
Leaderboard Points: 238
Active Spells:
protection from living (24 minutes)
rested bonus (122 minutes)
armor (10 minutes)
bless (2 minutes)
coldshield (less than a minute remaining)
Score information for Glugg
Level: 24 Race: Drider Class: Necromancer Sex: Male
Hit points: 202(202) Moves: 226(226)
Coins carried: 0 platinum 0 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Coins in bank: 693 platinum 132 gold 0 silver 0 copper
Playing time: 1 days / 1 hours/ 41 minutes
Received data: 0.0731 MB this session.
Send data: 0.0026 MB this session.
Compression ratio: 75%
Status: Standing.
Epic points(total): 0(0)
Epic Bonus: No Epic Bonus (0.00%)
Frags: +0.00 Deaths: 7
Enchantments: Ultravision Armor
Bartender Quests Remaining: 8.
Combat Pulse: 19 Spell Pulse: 0.96
A pudgy commoner enters from the east.
Leaderboard Points: 238
Active Spells:
protection from living (24 minutes)
rested bonus (122 minutes)
armor (10 minutes)
bless (2 minutes)
coldshield (less than a minute remaining)
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
The killing ice around your body melts.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Casting: sense follower *
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You feel your awareness improve.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A muscular villager leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling adventurer leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You don't know that spell!
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A pudgy commoner leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling adventurer enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
The snow is coming down faster now.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling adventurer leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
The sun hangs low on the southern sky.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A young villager leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A pudgy commoner enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A peasant commoner enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A peasant commoner enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You get a spellbook from a large leather backpack.
You get a spellbook from a large leather backpack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle) 2 - heal undead
( 4th circle) 4 - life leech
( 3rd circle) 1 - animate dead
2 - dispel magic
2 - embalm
( 1st circle) 1 - minor creation
1 - protection from undead
5 - slashing darkness
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
8 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
17 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
26 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
40 seconds: ( 5th) coldshield
48 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
57 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
66 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
78 seconds: ( 4th) life leech
90 seconds: ( 4th) life leech
101 seconds: ( 3rd) embalm
115 seconds: ( 5th) raise spectre
124 seconds: ( 2nd) protection from living
130 seconds: ( 1st) protection from undead
140 seconds: ( 3rd) sense follower
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle) 2 - heal undead
( 4th circle) 4 - life leech
( 3rd circle) 1 - animate dead
2 - dispel magic
2 - embalm
( 1st circle) 1 - minor creation
1 - protection from undead
5 - slashing darkness
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
8 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
17 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
26 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
40 seconds: ( 5th) coldshield
48 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
57 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
66 seconds: ( 2nd) chill touch
78 seconds: ( 4th) life leech
90 seconds: ( 4th) life leech
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A young villager enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A muscular villager enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You stop meditating.
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -East -West
A giant hammer with a long handle is here.
The corpse of a traveling adventurer is lying here.
A buckler is on the ground here gathering dust and dirt.
A hand axe is on the ground here collecting dust.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A muscular villager wanders here looking to start a fight.
A young villager wanders here, singing songs of joy.
A peasant commoner wanders here with his head held low.
A peasant commoner wanders here with his head held low.
A pudgy commoner wanders here looking for something to eat.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
*The spectre of a village commoner stands here. (minion)
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -East -West
A giant hammer with a long handle is here.
The corpse of a traveling adventurer is lying here.
A buckler is on the ground here gathering dust and dirt.
A hand axe is on the ground here collecting dust.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A muscular villager wanders here looking to start a fight.
A young villager wanders here, singing songs of joy.
A peasant commoner wanders here with his head held low.
A peasant commoner wanders here with his head held low.
A pudgy commoner wanders here looking for something to eat.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
*The spectre of a village commoner stands here. (minion)
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A traveling merchant enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing coldshield.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A pudgy commoner leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A traveling merchant enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
The spectre of a village commoner wields a steel dagger.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
The winds of time have reclaimed the corpse of a traveling adventurer.
The corpse of a traveling adventurer crumbles to dust and blows away.
A traveling merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing chill touch.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A village commoner enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering merchant enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A village commoner leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing life leech.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You feel less righteous.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing life leech.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A village commoner enters from the east.
You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle) 1 - coldshield
2 - heal undead
( 4th circle) 6 - life leech
( 3rd circle) 1 - animate dead
2 - dispel magic
2 - embalm
( 2nd circle) 6 - chill touch
( 1st circle) 1 - minor creation
1 - protection from undead
5 - slashing darkness
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
8 seconds: ( 3rd) embalm
21 seconds: ( 5th) raise spectre
30 seconds: ( 2nd) protection from living
36 seconds: ( 1st) protection from undead
47 seconds: ( 3rd) sense follower
You can memorize no more spells.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing embalm.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A peasant commoner leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing raise spectre.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A pudgy commoner enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing protection from living.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing protection from undead.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A traveling merchant leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing sense follower.
Your studies are complete.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
The sun starts to set in the south.
You put 2 book(s) into a large leather backpack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
a Well Traveled Path
Obvious exits: -East -West
A spiked suit of splint mail is on the ground here.
A pair of simple looking boots is on the ground here.
A giant hammer with a long handle is here.
[2] A buckler is on the ground here gathering dust and dirt.
[2] A hand axe is on the ground here collecting dust.
Some padded leather armor is on the ground here gathering dust.
A pudgy commoner wanders here looking for something to eat.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
A village commoner wanders here in search of something to do.
A wandering merchant wanders here looking to buy some wares.
A muscular villager wanders here looking to start a fight.
A young villager wanders here, singing songs of joy.
A peasant commoner wanders here with his head held low.
A wandering adventurer roams here looking for some excitement.
*The spectre of a village commoner stands here. (minion)
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
Casting: coldshield *
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You are surrounded by freezing cold!
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A village commoner leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A muscular villager leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You get a spellbook from a large leather backpack.
You get a spellbook from a large leather backpack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle) 2 - heal undead
1 - raise spectre
( 4th circle) 6 - life leech
( 3rd circle) 1 - animate dead
2 - dispel magic
3 - embalm
1 - sense follower
( 2nd circle) 6 - chill touch
1 - protection from living
( 1st circle) 1 - minor creation
2 - protection from undead
5 - slashing darkness
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
13 seconds: ( 5th) coldshield
You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 5th circle) 2 - heal undead
1 - raise spectre
( 4th circle) 6 - life leech
( 3rd circle) 1 - animate dead
2 - dispel magic
3 - embalm
1 - sense follower
( 2nd circle) 6 - chill touch
1 - protection from living
( 1st circle) 1 - minor creation
2 - protection from undead
5 - slashing darkness
And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
13 seconds: ( 5th) coldshield
You can memorize no more spells.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A wandering adventurer leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
The taste of blood slowly fades from your body.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
A traveling merchant enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing coldshield.
Your studies are complete.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
You put 2 book(s) into a large leather backpack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
The spectre of a village commoner wields a steel dagger.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A traveling merchant enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A young villager leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
A small villager enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
[Damage: 9 ] -=[You hit a pudgy commoner in the face, sending him reeling.]=-
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: Glugg TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: few scratches >
A pudgy commoner misses you.
A pudgy commoner misses you.
A pudgy commoner makes a futile attempt to bash you, but you are simply immovable.
You miss a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: Glugg TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sit EP: few scratches >
A wandering adventurer enters from the west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: Glugg TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sit EP: few scratches >
The spectre of a village commoner says 'For glory!'
The spectre of a village commoner snaps into visibility.
The spectre of a village commoner places a steel dagger in the back of a pudgy commoner, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
The spectre of a village commoner places a steel dagger in the back of a pudgy commoner, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sit EP: small wounds >
A pudgy commoner misses the spectre of a village commoner.
A pudgy commoner clambers to his feet.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: small wounds >
You miss a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: small wounds >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: small wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's decent pierce wounds a pudgy commoner.
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: small wounds >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 24 ] -=[You chill a pudgy commoner.]=-
The chilling cold causes a pudgy commoner to stammer, apparently weakened.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
A peasant commoner leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:excellent E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
A pudgy commoner's punch strikes the spectre of a village commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's decent pierce wounds a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
A wandering merchant enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
You miss a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
A traveling merchant leaves east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's decent pierce wounds a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner makes a futile attempt to bash you, but you are simply immovable.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sit EP: few wounds >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sit EP: few wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
A pudgy commoner clambers to his feet.
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: few wounds >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 23 ] -=[You chill a pudgy commoner.]=-
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner misses the spectre of a village commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's fine pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
A pudgy commoner dodges your futile attack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
The spectre of a village commoner's fine pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner makes a futile attempt to bash you, but you are simply immovable.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sit EP: nasty wounds >
[Damage: 2 ] -=[Your decent pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.]=-
A pudgy commoner clambers to his feet.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's decent pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
A pudgy commoner dodges the spectre of a village commoner's attack.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
A pudgy commoner's fine punch strikes the spectre of a village commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
Shadows stretch across the land as the sun limps towards the horizon.
You feel your skill in 1h piercing improving.
You miss a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
A wandering adventurer leaves west.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
The spectre of a village commoner dodges a pudgy commoner's attack.
A Halfling enters from the east.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
A wandering merchant leaves east.
A Halfling starts casting an offensive spell.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: nasty wounds >
The spectre of a village commoner's decent pierce strikes a pudgy commoner.
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: undead TP: sta TC:few scratches E: pudgy sta EP: pretty hurt >
A Halfling completes his spell...
A Halfling utters the word 'noselacri'
You have been blinded!
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: pretty hurt >
You start chanting...
< 202h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: pretty hurt >
Someone suddenly attacks YOU!
-=[Someone's fine whip strikes you.]=-
[Damage: 4 ] -=[Someone shivers from the unnatural cold as he hits you!]=-
< 194h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: pretty hurt >
Casting: chill touch
< 194h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: pretty hurt >
Someone dodges someone's attack.
Someone dodges someone's attack.
< 194h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: pretty hurt >
You complete your spell...
[Damage: 23 ] -=[You chill someone.]=-
< 194h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:few scratches E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone's punch strikes someone.
Someone dodges someone's attack.
< 194h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
-=[Someone's fine whip strikes you.]=-
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Someone shivers from the unnatural cold as he hits you!]=-
-=[Someone's whip strikes you.]=-
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Someone shivers from the unnatural cold as he hits you!]=-
-=[Someone's fine whip strikes you.]=-
[Damage: 5 ] -=[Someone shivers from the unnatural cold as he hits you!]=-
< 164h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone dodges someone's attack.
Someone dodges someone's attack.
< 164h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
< 164h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
OUCH! That really did HURT!
-=[Someone calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-
OUCH! That really did HURT!
< 89h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
You miss someone.
< 89h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: small wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone dodges someone's attack.
Someone turns to focus his attack on you!
< 89h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone's pierce strikes someone very hard.
< 89h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC: nasty wounds E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
-=[Someone calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-
< 56h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: someone sta EP: awful >
You start chanting...
< 56h/202H 226v/226V Pos: standing >
< T: someone TP: sta TC:pretty hurt E: someone sta EP: awful >
Someone completes his spell...
Someone utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!!
-=[Someone calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-
Your something melted from the intense heat!