PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
08/21/14 06:09AM A Grove of Tall Elm Trees
[25 Sorcerer] Mac (Gnome)
[56 Death Magus] Obeen (Lich)
08/21/14 04:02AM Second Floor Landing
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[55 Death Magus] Ekimensio (Lich)
08/21/14 03:54AM The Inn of the Shady Grove
[55 Death Magus] Ekimensio (Lich)
[52 Warrior] Grotchat (Orc)
08/21/14 01:02AM A Light and Breezy Forest
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[53 Death Magus] Pilt (Lich)
08/20/14 11:24PM A Shaft Beneath a Soaring Mushroom Cavern
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[55 Death Magus] Zrouli (Lich)
08/20/14 10:04PM The Inn of the Shady Grove
[55 Death Magus] Zrouli (Lich)
[19 Shaman] Klarp (Ogre)
08/20/14 12:42AM A Narrow Jungle Trail
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[36 Frost Magus] Nohd (Orc)
08/20/14 12:40AM On a Wide Baobab Limb
[56 Necrolyte] Kami The Resistance (Githzerai)
[36 Frost Magus] Nohd (Orc)
08/20/14 12:07AM An Odd Laboratory
[56 Necrolyte] Kami The Resistance (Githzerai)
[56 Thief] Twqw The Empire of Lloth (Goblin)
08/19/14 07:29PM In the Dark Troglodyte Caves
[31 Controller] Kwirl (Human)
[36 Frost Magus] Nohd (Orc)
08/18/14 11:52PM A Dense Forest Enshrouded by a Dismal Fog
[56 Storm Druid] Vokir The Resistance (Dwarf)
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Necrolyte] Sathe The Empire of Lloth (Kobold)
08/18/14 11:30PM Inside the Gates of Sarmiz'Duul
[56 Storm Druid] Vokir The Resistance (Dwarf)
[55 Death Magus] Zloe (Lich)
08/18/14 03:46PM The Twisted Woods
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[51 Shadowmage] Rhoka The Empire of Lloth (Githyanki)
08/18/14 03:25AM Rocky Hillside of the Eagle Ridge Delta
[52 Pyrokinetic] Sorta Pwny Express (Githzerai)
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
08/16/14 10:36PM The Forests of the Kilfray Island
[56 Red Dragon] Zikl The Resistance (Githzerai)
[56 Decay Priest] Obe The Empire of Lloth (Orc)
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
08/16/14 10:34PM The Forests of the Kilfray Island
[56 Thief] Kenway Pwny Express (Barbarian)
[52 Pyrokinetic] Sorta Pwny Express (Githzerai)
[56 Decay Priest] Obe The Empire of Lloth (Orc)
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
08/16/14 10:22PM Entry Hall of Vella's Bordello
[56 Thief] Kenway Pwny Express (Barbarian)
[52 Pyrokinetic] Sorta Pwny Express (Githzerai)
[55 Death Magus] Zloe (Lich)
08/15/14 12:47AM The Twisted Woods
[56 Air Magus] Drozk The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[56 Storm Druid] Vokir The Resistance (Dwarf)
[55 Death Magus] Zrouli (Lich)
08/13/14 02:24AM Along a Crumbling Cobblestone Road
[56 Defender] Bryken The Resistance (Human)
[56 Spiritualist] Gellz The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Shock Reaver] Straut The Empire of Lloth (Goblin)
[55 Channeler] Abue The Empire of Lloth (Orc)
[56 Thief] Twqw The Empire of Lloth (Goblin)
[56 Ruiner] Shagrath The Empire of Lloth (Duergar)
[50 Swashbuckler] Deathlee The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Air Magus] Sgan The Empire of Lloth (Goblin)
[56 Demonic Rider] Gelanki The Empire of Lloth (Githyanki)
08/12/14 03:18AM Southwest Portion Of The Main Cavern Route
[56 Storm Druid] Vokir The Resistance (Dwarf)
[56 Shadowmage] Sadash The Resistance (Gnome)
[53 Death Magus] Pilt (Lich)
08/11/14 08:53PM The Docks of Storm Port
[56 Defender] Bryken The Resistance (Human)
[30 Warrior] Wally (Drow Elf)
[56 Gypsy] Noh (Orc)
08/09/14 11:45PM Below a Mucky Pool
[41 Swordsman] Loku (Thri-Kreen)
[56 Necrolyte] Brizz The Empire of Lloth (Kobold)
08/09/14 11:45PM Below a Mucky Pool
[41 Swordsman] Loku (Thri-Kreen)
[50 Holyman] Dazok (Dwarf)
[56 Necrolyte] Brizz The Empire of Lloth (Kobold)
08/06/14 12:53AM End of the Kings Walk
[54 Cenobite] Khoraz The Resistance (Human)
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[55 Death Magus] Zrouli (Lich)
[56 Ruiner] Shagrath The Empire of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Zealot] Jube The Empire of Lloth (Drow Elf)
08/04/14 07:43PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[56 Air Magus] Drozk The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[56 Cenobite] Bh (Human)
[52 Holyman] Kalei The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[56 Demonic Rider] Iruzl The Empire of Lloth (Githyanki)
[51 Shadowmage] Rhoka The Empire of Lloth (Githyanki)
08/04/14 07:23PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[56 Air Magus] Drozk The Resistance (Grey Elf)
[56 Cenobite] Bh (Human)
[56 Demonic Rider] Iruzl The Empire of Lloth (Githyanki)
[56 Thief] Belcon The Empire of Lloth (Goblin)
08/03/14 11:15PM On the Bridge of the Sloop Xi
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[56 Decay Priest] Xi (Orc)
08/02/14 02:37AM The South Gates of the Shady Grove
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[56 Crusader] Fr The Resistance (Centaur)
[51 Rogue] Rakor (Orc)
08/02/14 02:36AM The South Gates of the Shady Grove
[56 Crusader] Fr The Resistance (Centaur)
[51 Rogue] Rakor (Orc)
08/02/14 02:34AM The South Gates of the Shady Grove
[56 Wildmage] Nib The Resistance (Gnome)
[14 Ethermancer] Phuroi (Orc)