The death of [46 Zealot] Hurgoth < The Commonwealth > (Human)

in Rugged Hills of the Hearth Valley

from the perspective of [46 Shadowmage] Notnyx Brewed in Blood (Shade)

<worn as a badge>    a badge of promise (glowing)
<worn on head>       an ancient, tribal coif
<worn on eyes>       an eyepatch of negative energy [superior] (magic)
<worn in ear>        a glowing jade earring (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a scale of pulsating darkness of intelligence
<worn on face>       mask of battles past [poor] [67%]
<worn around neck>   some kharma mind beads (magic) [66%]
<worn around neck>   the collar of firestones (magic)
<worn on body>       a warsuit of jade wyrmscale (glowing)
<worn about body>    the cloak of Arachdrathos [superior] (magic) [85%]
<worn as quiver>     the quiver of dragon hunters
<worn about waist>   a belt of woven dreams (magic) (humming) [75%]
<worn on belt buckle>a ruby globe of majesty with a strange dark bloodstone (magic) [84%]
<attached to belt>   a rugged adventurers satchel (magic) (illuminating)
<attached to belt>   a leather-bound book covered in shifting shadows (magic) [78%]
<worn on arms>       the sleeves of sorcery (magic) (glowing)
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of influence [poor] (magic)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide (magic) (humming)
<worn on hands>      a random encrust object of health [88%]
<worn on finger>     a ring of twisted gray mist
<worn on finger>     a yellow ring of chrysoberyl [superior] (magic)
<held>               the gem of the aerie [poor] (magic)
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge [75%]
<worn on feet>       the dark-mithril tipped boots

A Githzerai's spell flows around Hate, leaving him unharmed!
Squeaky's weak pierce grazes a Human.
A Human blocks Squeaky's lunge at him.
Squeaky misses a Human.

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate completes his spell...
Hate utters the words 'zhpzfzar candusqpabraoz'
Hate appears to gain strength from a cloud of ethereal matter.
Gax starts casting a spell.
Placing his weight low Zephyr shifts into a more aggressive stance.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Grey Elf.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Grey Elf.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Human.
Zephyr's punch wounds a Human.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's decent punch grazes a Barbarian.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Barbarian.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Barbarian.
Zephyr's decent punch wounds a Githzerai.
Zephyr's decent punch wounds a Githzerai.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Githzerai.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's feeble punch grazes a Githzerai.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a beautiful pegasus.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a beautiful pegasus.
Peet starts casting a spell.
Draqus starts casting an offensive spell called 'scathing wind'.

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Fire sears and bakes a Githzerai!
A Githzerai's suit of platinum plate bearing the crest of Pelor [superior] is burned from the blast!
A Grey Elf completes his spell...
A Grey Elf utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Grey Elf into a beautiful pegasus's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's decent punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian begins to sllooowwww down.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr pokes a Barbarian really hard, making you wince.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's decent punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Peet blocks a beautiful pegasus's lunge at him.
Peet snaps into visibility.

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush wounds a Githzerai.
Fatwa's crush wounds a Githzerai.
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's fine crush wounds Hate.
A Barbarian misses Hate.
Hate dodges a Barbarian's attack.
Zloin starts casting an offensive spell.
Zloin snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian clambers to her feet.
Fatwa fills with BLooDLuST and makes a ferocious leap at a Githzerai!
Fatwa knocks a Githzerai down with a mighty blow!

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human completes his spell...
A Human utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Human into a Human's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Githzerai misses Fatwa.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Githzerai's impressive slash grazes Fatwa.
Hate starts casting a spell.

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Squeaky sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's feathered leather eyepatch [superior] cracks attacked by the sound wave.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
A beautiful pegasus seems to be blinded!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's slash wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash wounds Hate.
Hate dodges a Barbarian's attack.
You start chanting...
Sparkling magic surrounds you as you begin your chant.
You snap into visibility.
Squeaky starts playing the instrument of lyrical mastery and singing aloud.
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 455h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin snaps into visibility.
A Githzerai continues preparing his spell from the ground...
Gax completes his spell...
Gax utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Gax into your body, and your wounds begin to heal!

< 781h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin snaps into visibility.
A Githzerai's face flushes white for a moment.
Pok misses a Githzerai.
A Githzerai dodges Pok's attack.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Fatwa parries a Githzerai's lunge at him.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.

< 781h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin snaps into visibility.
Zloin completes his spell...
Zloin utters the word 'euguihzofahz'
Zloin sends a bright green ray of light streaking towards a Human!
Zloin snaps into visibility.
Zloin cackles as his disintegration ray strikes a Human hard!
A Human dodges Squeaky's attack.
Squeaky misses a Human.
Squeaky misses a Human.

< 781h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai's skin seems to turn to stone.
A Vampire enters from the south.
A Vampire enters from the south.
A Vampire enters from the south.
A Vampire enters from the south.
A Vampire enters from the south.

< 781h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai bravely steps in front of a Grey Elf, shielding him from harm!
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
[Damage: 112 ] -=[A Githzerai is grabbed by your giant fist, which begins crushing him.]=-
Squeaky blocks a Human's lunge at him.
Squeaky suddenly breaks out a quick verse from their repitiore of songs...
Squeaky sings a song to summon the storms.
Squeaky busts out in dance!
The gale force of Squeaky's spell sends a Vampire flying through the room!
A Vampire is stunned!
Squeaky's cyclone tears at a Vampire, pounding and rending flesh!
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
A Vampire wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by Squeaky.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
Squeaky's cyclone tears at a Vampire, pounding and rending flesh!
A Human wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by Squeaky.
A Barbarian wavers under the impact of the lightning bolt sent by Squeaky.

< 781h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Peet into your body, and your wounds begin to heal!
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's crush strikes a Githzerai.
Fatwa's impressive crush wounds a Githzerai.

< 816h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate completes his spell...
Hate utters the words 'zhpzfzar candusqpabraoz'
Hate appears to gain strength from a cloud of ethereal matter.
A Grey Elf suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
Mussa snaps into visibility.
A Grey Elf's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
Draqus completes his spell...
Draqus utters the words 'gqahpuio xuie'
A scathing gust of wind bursts from Draqus's fingertips!
Draqus's spell flows around a Vampire, leaving him unharmed!
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
The scathing gust of wind hits a Vampire, burning flesh from his body.
Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
The scathing gust of wind hits a Human, burning flesh from his body.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
The scathing gust of wind hits a Barbarian, burning flesh from her body.
The scathing gust of wind hits a Githzerai, burning flesh from his body.
The scathing gust of wind hits a beautiful pegasus, burning flesh from his body.
A Vampire misses Draqus.
A Grey Elf's bludgeon grazes Gax.
A Grey Elf misses Gax.
A Vampire suddenly breaks out a quick verse from their repitiore of songs...
A Vampire sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
A Vampire busts out in dance!
Weezy seems to be blinded!
You snap into visibility.
You snap into visibility.
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Vampire's assault!
Hate snaps into visibility.
Hate seems to be blinded!
Hate is withered and starts to decrease in size with a Vampire's touch!
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Mussa wavers under the power of a Vampire's will, as his undead flesh withers away!
A Vampire's spell flows around Peet, leaving him unharmed!
Zloin snaps into visibility.
Zloin snaps into visibility.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa is withered and starts to decrease in size with a Vampire's touch!
Frillz starts casting an offensive spell.

< 770h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human attempts to flee.
A Human leaves south.
Gax starts casting a spell.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Sparkling magic surrounds Pok as he begins his chant.
Pok starts casting a spell.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian tackles Hate square in the chest knocking the wind out of him!
A Grey Elf attempts to flee.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Fire sears and bakes a Githzerai!
Pok completes his spell...
Pok utters the word 'bruit'
Pok suddenly ceases to be only to materialize nearby.
Frillz dodges a Vampire's attack.
A Vampire's fine slash wounds Frillz.
A Vampire's weak slash grazes Frillz.
As Zephyr attempts to attack a Barbarian, a Barbarian intercepts the attack with her hands and twist Zephyr's arm!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr pokes a Barbarian really hard, making you wince.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr pokes a Barbarian really hard, making you wince.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Frillz stops invoking abruptly!
A Vampire blocks Frillz's lunge at him.
A Vampire parries Frillz's lunge at him.
Peet misses a beautiful pegasus.
Peet misses a beautiful pegasus.
A beautiful pegasus misses Peet.
Peet starts casting a spell.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
The mordant substance oozes off of a Vampire.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin snaps into visibility.
Green slime eats away at a Vampire's skin!
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai snaps into visibility.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Githzerai's slash wounds Fatwa.
A Githzerai's impressive slash wounds Fatwa.
A Githzerai's impressive slash wounds Fatwa.
A Githzerai rises to his feet.
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 771h/817H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Gax completes his spell...
Gax utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
Gax quickly diagnoses your wounds.
A torrent of divine energy flows from Gax into your body, and your wounds begin to heal!
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush wounds a Githzerai.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Githzerai.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Githzerai.
A Vampire's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.
Your battle frenzy fades.
Zephyr's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.
Fatwa's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.
Zloin starts casting an offensive spell.
Zloin snaps into visibility.
A Githzerai attempts to flee.
A Githzerai leaves east riding on a beautiful pegasus.

< 766h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's crush wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's fine crush wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's fine crush wounds Hate.

< 766h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Barbarian parries Hate's lunge at him.
A Barbarian parries Hate's lunge at him.
A Barbarian parries Hate's lunge at him.
Hate snaps into visibility.

< 766h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
You snap into visibility.
Casting: immolate 
A Barbarian attempts to flee.
A Barbarian leaves north.
Weezy attempts to flee.
Weezy leaves east.

< 766h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Mussa snaps into visibility.
You complete your spell...
Your fiery blast strikes a Vampire full on!
The intense flames cause a Vampire's skin to smolder and burn!
[Damage: 12 ] Upon being struck, a Vampire disappears into thin air.
A Vampire stops following a Vampire.
Baulz's face flushes white for a moment.
Zloin stops invoking abruptly!
Mussa's face flushes white for a moment.

< 766h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Vampire sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
A Vampire's spell flows around Frillz, leaving him unharmed!
You snap into visibility.
The globe around your body flares as it bears the brunt of a Vampire's assault!
You snap into visibility.
Hate snaps into visibility.
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Mussa wavers under the power of a Vampire's will, as his undead flesh withers away!
Peet snaps into visibility.
Draqus seems to be blinded!
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Hate snaps into visibility.
Tiny explosions wrack Hate's body with pain!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's powerful slash strikes Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash strikes Hate.
A Barbarian's powerful slash strikes Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash strikes Hate.
Pok sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Githzerai misses Fatwa.
Fatwa parries a Githzerai's lunge at him.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Pok opens a midnight blue tome with silver bindings and begins studying it intently.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
The insects of the area seem to be called away to the south...
Gax starts casting a spell.
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Frillz starts casting an offensive spell called 'bigbys clenched fist'.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
Peet quickly diagnoses Pok's wounds.
A torrent of divine energy flows from Peet into Pok's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Frillz dodges a Vampire's attack.
A Vampire's weak slash grazes Frillz.
A Vampire misses Frillz.
A Vampire's slash grazes Frillz.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Fatwa returns to normal as his rage abates.
Someone sings a song to summon the storms.
The mordant substance oozes off of a Vampire.
A Githzerai dodges Fatwa's attack.
A Githzerai dodges Fatwa's attack.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Githzerai.
A Vampire attempts to flee.
A Vampire leaves south.
You failed.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
The flaming conflagration burning a Githzerai subsides!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr pokes a Barbarian really hard, making you wince.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr pokes a Barbarian really hard, making you wince.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's decent punch grazes a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.

< 724h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Mussa's face flushes white for a moment.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Frillz stops invoking abruptly!
A Halfling enters from the south.
A Vampire enters from the south.
Peet starts casting a spell.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate snaps into visibility.
Tiny explosions wrack Hate's body with pain!
Zloin starts casting an offensive spell.
Zloin snaps into visibility.
A Vampire leaves north.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Gax completes his spell...
Gax utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Gax into Pok's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Zloin stops invoking abruptly!
Baulz's face flushes white for a moment.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Weezy enters from the east.
Fatwa madly swings his weapon...
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Halfling snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's weak crush grazes a Halfling.
Fatwa's weak crush grazes a Halfling.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's fine crush grazes a Barbarian.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush wounds a Barbarian.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Githzerai.
A Githzerai's hooded flowing black robe [poor] was damaged from the massive blow!
Fatwa's crush strikes a Githzerai.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Gax gasps slightly as the stone mace 'Godsfury' infuses him with energy.
Healing energy flows from Gax into Gax's body!

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Peet completes his spell...
Peet utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Peet into Hate's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
A Barbarian dodges Hate's attack.
A Barbarian dodges Hate's attack.
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Fatwa parries a Halfling's lunge at him.
Fatwa parries a Halfling's lunge at him.
Fatwa parries a Halfling's lunge at him.
A Halfling snaps into visibility.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Halfling attempts to flee.
A Halfling leaves west.
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Draqus starts casting a spell called 'purify spirit'.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate snaps into visibility.
Tiny explosions wrack Hate's body with pain!
A Githzerai dodges Fatwa's attack.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Githzerai.
A Human enters from the south.
Gax taps a rod of electrical manipulation [poor] three times on the ground.
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Gax's hands...
And blasts into a Human!
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Then leaps and smacks into a Barbarian!

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human starts casting a spell.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 140 ] -=[Your giant fist of force causes a Githzerai to stagger in agony!]=-
Fatwa dodges a Githzerai's attack.
Fatwa dodges a Githzerai's attack.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Hate snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian's slash wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's slash wounds Hate.
A Barbarian's impressive slash wounds Hate.
Peet sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Draqus completes his spell...
Draqus utters the words 'sjfuyl gsufuh'
Draqus is briefly surrounded by a white aura.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's decent punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's fine punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
Zephyr's punch wounds a Barbarian.
A Barbarian snaps into visibility.
A Barbarian attempts to flee.
A Barbarian leaves east.
Hate clambers to his feet.
Peet takes out his unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Sparkling magic surrounds Zloin as he begins his chant.
Zloin starts casting a spell.
Weezy starts casting an offensive spell called 'arieks shattering iceball'.
Zephyr settles to his knees.

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin completes his spell...
Zloin utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'

< 725h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Hate snaps into visibility.
Tiny explosions wrack Hate's body with pain!
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Weezy completes his spell...
Weezy utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Weezy points at a Githzerai.
Weezy's iceball shatters upon impacting a Githzerai, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
Zephyr rises to his feet.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human completes his spell...
A Human utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from a Human into a Human's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Someone sings a song to summon the storms.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 102 ] -=[Your giant fist of force causes a Githzerai to stagger in agony!]=-
A Githzerai's steel club was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's shroud of hatred [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's mystical cranial defender [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's medallion of gaia was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's sleeves of Arkan'non [poor] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's band of fiery persistance [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai's golden pair of scouting boots [superior] was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Githzerai is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Notnyx by 3666666.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
You just gained 0.07 frags!
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a Githzerai dies in agony.
A Githzerai's face flushes white for a moment.
A Githzerai stops following a Githzerai.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human says 'Maa yuur bluodthef bi a wimlipg tacsifoce!'
A Human misses Gax.
A Human misses Gax.
A Human misses Gax.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Gax misses a Human.
A Human dodges Gax's attack.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Grey Elf sneaks east.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zloin starts casting a spell.
Hate sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human starts casting a spell.
Zephyr settles to his knees.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Zephyr's leap knocks into a Human, sending him slightly off balance...

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human stops chanting abruptly!
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Gax taps a rod of electrical manipulation [poor] three times on the ground.
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Gax's hands...
And blasts into a Human!
Frillz gets an orb of mental toughness [poor] from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a large leather backpack from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets the immaterial spirit of Tiamat [superior] from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a pair of silver earrings with red rubies from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a gloomwing feather from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a white hot mask of living flame [superior] from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a golden band of the ogre-magis from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a crystalline wristguard from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a decent iron belt from the corpse of Jixan.
Frillz gets a bunch of stuff from the corpse of Jixan.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
A Human suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A Human's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 726h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa fills with BLooDLuST and makes a ferocious leap at a Human!
A Human avoids Fatwa's ferocious maul, and down he goes!
Mussa snaps into visibility.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...
You snap into visibility.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Draqus starts casting an offensive spell called 'arieks shattering iceball'.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Mussa snaps into visibility.
Weezy starts casting an offensive spell called 'scathing wind'.
Pok clambers to his feet.
Pok, looking very frustrated, packs up his book.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Casting: immolate 
Zloin completes his spell...
Zloin utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'
Gax dodges a Human's attack.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
Mussa snaps into visibility.
A Human's eyes briefly cloud over as his body is painfully ripped apart from within.
You complete your spell...
Your fiery blast strikes a Human full on!
You snap into visibility.
[Damage: 84 ] Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's impressive crush strikes a Human.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.
Fatwa's whip strikes a Human hard.
Fatwa snaps into visibility.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
< T: Gax TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Human sit EP: pretty hurt >
 Squeaky sings a song to summon the storms.
Pok starts casting an offensive spell called 'bigbys clenched fist'.

< 727h/767H 195v/195V Pos: standing >
< T: Gax TP: sta TC:excellent E: A Human sit EP: pretty hurt >
 Draqus completes his spell...
Draqus utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Draqus points at a Human.
Draqus's iceball shatters upon impacting a Human, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
Zephyr's fine punch seriously wounds a Human.
Zephyr's fine punch enshrouds a Human in a mist of blood.
Zephyr's impressive punch critically injures a Human.
Zephyr's fine punch hits a Human.
A Human's small diamond encrusted ring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Human's small diamond ring was completely destroyed by the massive blow!
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Notnyx by 3666666.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!