The death of [36 Spiritualist] Col o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

in The Caverns of Time

from the perspective of [36 Spiritualist] Col o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Grey Elf)

<worn on eyes>       a foggy visor [poor]
<worn in ear>        a pair of silver earrings with red rubies [84%]
<worn in ear>        a pulsating gemstone earring
<worn on face>       a soldiers black-bone visor
<worn around neck>   a diamond necklace [superior]
<worn around neck>   a royal token of Valois (glowing) [85%]
<worn about body>    a deep hooded cloak of sorrow
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn about waist>   a belt of fresh blood [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>a rugged adventurers satchel (illuminating)
<attached to belt>   a mist viper venom sac [71%]
<attached to belt>   a mistweyd nose-pipe
<worn on arms>       some tree bark sleeves [superior] [88%]
<held as shield>     the shield proclaimed 'Hope'
<worn around wrist>  a small bracelet made of roots [poor] [60%]
<worn around wrist>  a bracer bearing the seal of Bozk
<worn on finger>     a bright platinum wedding band
<worn on finger>     a glowing electrum ring [poor] (illuminating)
<held>               a tormented and wailing wraith totem [superior]
<worn on legs>       some shin-guards of subterfuge [superior]
<worn on feet>       some boots of forest running

An earth elemental barely blocks a Troll's lunge at it.
An earth elemental barely blocks a Troll's lunge at it.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
An earth elemental misses a Troll.
A Troll dodges an earth elemental's attack.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
A Troll attempts to flee.
A Troll leaves east.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Troll.
[Damage: 72 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Troll, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
A Troll enters from the east.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting a spell.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
A Troll attempts to flee.
Oof! a Troll bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Troll tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Troll.
Your victim's soul is magically protected causing your spell to do less damage.
[Damage: 60 ] -=[A Troll's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'xarr ay ghaiz'

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Troll.
Your victim's soul is magically protected causing your spell to do less damage.
[Damage: 61 ] -=[A Troll's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
A Troll attempts to flee.
Oof! a Troll bumps into a greyish stone wall...
A Troll tries to flee, but can't make it out of here!

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Troll.
Your victim's soul is magically protected causing your spell to do less damage.
[Damage: 59 ] -=[A Troll's entire body spasms uncontrollably as his soul is wracked with unbearable pain.]=-

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj gives an order to his followers.
A Troll avoids being bashed by an earth elemental, who loses its balance and falls.
A Troll is knocked to the ground by an earth elemental's mighty bash!

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
An earth elemental's decent crush wounds a Troll.
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 8th circle)  1 - spirit jump
( 7th circle)  1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  1 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  1 - sense spirit
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - hawkvision
               5 - mending
( 3rd circle)  4 - scalding blast
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - cold ward
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle)  9 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  8 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    3 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
    6 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
    9 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   13 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   16 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   20 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   24 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   28 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance

You can memorize 1 1st circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
Naj starts casting an offensive spell.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
A Troll misses an earth elemental.
A Troll misses an earth elemental.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
Naj completes his spell...
The intense flames cause a Troll's skin to smolder and burn!
Naj smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Troll.
An earth elemental's decent crush strikes a Troll.
An earth elemental misses a Troll.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.
Naj starts casting an offensive spell called 'earthen maul'.
You stop meditating.
You clamber to your feet.
You abandon your meditative trance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You point at a Troll.
The intense flames cause a Troll's skin to smolder and burn!
[Damage: 64 ] -=[Your blast of molten spray slams into a Troll, burning holes into his flesh.]=-
A Troll's ruby encrusted flute [superior] is burned from the blast!
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the words 'zabrahpunso wkadar'
Naj causes the earth to rear up in the form of a fist!
A Troll's beautiful mask made of bird feathers is smashed to bits by rocks and debris!
A Troll's insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water is smashed to bits by rocks and debris!
A Troll is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
You just gained 0.50 frags!
Your guild gained prestige!
You have gained 400 epic points.
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a Troll dies in agony.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
  ,...M    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  ..    M   
  M.. .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,, M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental crouches, floating here. (Minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Naj Legitus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
  ,...M    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  ..    M   
  ... .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,, M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental crouches, floating here. (Minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
Naj Legitus o==(=Mithril=Knights=- (Vampire)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
An earth elemental rises to its feet.
Naj gets a ruby encrusted flute [superior] from the corpse of Omm.
Naj gets a large leather backpack from the corpse of Omm.
Naj gets a steel hoop earring [superior] from the corpse of Omm.
Naj gets a gloomwing feather from the corpse of Omm.
Naj gets a pair of blue-tinted gnomish eyeglasses from the corpse of Omm.
Naj gets some stuff from the corpse of Omm.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You start chanting...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Casting: spirit jump *

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Casting: spirit jump 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
You failed.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj starts casting a spell.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
Naj completes his spell...
Naj utters the word 'hzrzsafh'
Naj slowly fades out of existence.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
  ,.P..    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  .P    M   
  ... .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,P M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
  ,P...    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  .P    M   
  ... .@    M   
   P,,.    MM   
  ,, M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 7th circle)  1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  1 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  1 - sense spirit
               2 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - hawkvision
               5 - mending
( 3rd circle)  4 - scalding blast
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - cold ward
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle)  9 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  8 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    3 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
    6 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   10 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   14 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   18 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   21 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   26 seconds:  ( 8th) spirit jump

You can memorize 1 1st circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
  ,....    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  PP    M   
  .P. .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,, M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
You abandon your meditative trance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
  ,....    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  .P    M   
  ... P@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,P M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You sit down and relax.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You have memorized the following spells:
( 7th circle)  1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  1 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  1 - sense spirit
               2 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - hawkvision
               5 - mending
( 3rd circle)  4 - scalding blast
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - cold ward
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle)  9 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  8 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    3 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
    6 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   10 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   14 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   18 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   21 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   26 seconds:  ( 8th) spirit jump

You can memorize 1 1st circle spell(s).
You continue your study.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
  ,....    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  ..    M   
  ... .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,P M     M    
     ,     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You are already resting.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
( 7th circle)  1 - spirit ward
( 6th circle)  1 - wellness
               5 - greater mending
( 5th circle)  1 - sense spirit
               3 - molten spray
( 4th circle)  1 - pantherspeed
               1 - hawkvision
               5 - mending
( 3rd circle)  4 - scalding blast
               2 - purify spirit
               1 - cold ward
               1 - fire ward
( 2nd circle)  9 - flameburst
( 1st circle)  8 - ice missile
               1 - spirit armor

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    2 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
    6 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   10 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   14 seconds:  ( 7th) greater soul disturbance
   17 seconds:  ( 5th) molten spray
   21 seconds:  ( 8th) spirit jump

You can memorize 1 1st circle spell(s).

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You start meditating...

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.
The earth trembles from the marching of a nearby army.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater soul disturbance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You stop meditating.
  ,....    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  ..    M   
  ... .@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  ,, ,     M    
     M     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.
A greyish stone wall is here to the west.
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 
An earth elemental stands here, looking like a living rock. (minion) 

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
An earth elemental stops following Naj.
An earth elemental stops following Naj.
You stop following Naj.
Your group has been disbanded.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater soul disturbance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
A greyish stone wall crumbles to dust and blows away.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing greater soul disturbance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You have finished memorizing molten spray.
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 619h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
-=[You are enveloped in flames from a fireball sent by a Drow Elf.  OUCH!]=-
Your relic crown of impunity is burned from the blast!

< 577h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.
You don't have that spell memorized.

< 577h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
  ,...M    MM   
 , .  M    M    
 ,,.  ..    M   
  ... P@    M   
   ,,,.    MM   
  P, ,     M    
     M     M    
The Caverns of Time
Obvious exits: -N -E -W
[2] A small round shield has been dropped here.
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
The corpse of a Troll is lying here.
A greyish stone wall is here to the north.

< 577h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 577h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 578h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You hear the sounds of movement in the distance.

< 578h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.
You abandon your meditative trance.

< 578h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >

< 579h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
A Drow Elf enters from the west.

< 579h/619H 263v/263V Pos: standing >
-=[You are enveloped in flames from a fireball sent by a Drow Elf.  OUCH!]=-
A Troll enters from the west.
A Drow Elf enters from the west.
A Drow Elf enters from the west.
A Drow Elf enters from the west.
You don't have that spell memorized.
You are knocked to the ground by a Duergar's skillful bash!

< 530h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 530h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 530h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Duergar parries your futile lunge at him.
A Duergar blocks your futile lunge at him.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 530h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at you.
-=[A Drow Elf fires a blast of molten spray at you, causing unbearable pain.]=-

< 496h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Troll starts casting an offensive spell.

< 496h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at you.
-=[A Drow Elf fires a blast of molten spray at you, causing unbearable pain.]=-
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 467h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: small wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 -=[You are enveloped in flames from a fireball sent by a Drow Elf.  OUCH!]=-

< 421h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'yrawz ghfutz'
-=[A Drow Elf calls down a roaring flamestrike which hits you dead on!]=-
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 402h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at you.
-=[A Troll fires a blast of molten spray at you, causing unbearable pain.]=-
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Duergar snaps into visibility.
A Duergar misses you.
A Duergar attempts to stab you in the back, but your stone skin quickly absorbs the impact before fading away!
-=[Out of nowhere, a Duergar stabs you in the back.]=-

< 341h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 -=[A Duergar's fine crush wounds you.]=-
[Damage:  4 ] -=[A Duergar ignites into black flames as he hits you!]=-
A Duergar misses you.

< 334h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: few wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'qaffaguzz bragh'
A Drow Elf points at you.
-=[You scream in utter agony as a Drow Elf's corrosive blast slams into your body!]=-
OUCH!  That really did HURT!
The corrosive blast sears into your armor, quickly eating away at it!
A Drow Elf enters from the west.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 261h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Troll starts casting an offensive spell.

< 261h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes her spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Drow Elf points at you.
-=[A Drow Elf fires a blast of molten spray at you, causing unbearable pain.]=-

< 231h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC: nasty wounds E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the word 'yufzbarr'
-=[You are enveloped in flames from a fireball sent by a Drow Elf.  OUCH!]=-

< 185h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf stops using a squat obsidian totem.

< 185h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf grabs a marbled quartz totem.
You notice a Duergar attempting to sneak behind you, but quickly block their advance!

< 185h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Troll completes his spell...
A Troll utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
A Troll points at you.
-=[A Troll fires a blast of molten spray at you, causing unbearable pain.]=-
OUCH!  That really did HURT!
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.

< 118h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 You miss a Duergar.
You miss a Duergar.
A Duergar snaps into visibility.
A Githyanki enters from the west.
A winged hellhound trots in from the west.

< 118h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
< 118h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf starts casting an offensive spell.
A Drow Elf enters from the west.

< 118h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >
< T: Col TP: sit TC:pretty hurt E: A Duergar sta EP: few scratches >
 A Drow Elf completes his spell...
A Drow Elf utters the words 'ofzahzf gajr eughjfbaiqz'
A Drow Elf points at you.
-=[Your soul is engulfed by unbearable pain as a Drow Elf finishes incanting his spell.]=-
You watch as the world spins around your gruesomely cut body.
You feel your strength wane, leaving you for the carrion crawlers to
< -10h/619H 263v/263V Pos: sitting >