The death of [56 Wildmage] Naj Islamic Jihad (Shade)

in A Githzerai has entered the game.

from the perspective of [56 Holyman] Sainth - The Horde (Drow Elf)

<worn as a badge>    the bronze Zarbonesti seal of Kryz'Kyssik (magic)
<worn on head>       the helmet of corruption (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       the eyes of the High Forest (glowing)
<worn in ear>        a crude dragonscale stud
<worn in ear>        a tiny seashell [superior] (magic)
<worn on face>       mask of the iron bloodhounds (glowing)
<worn around neck>   the amulet named "Flow" (humming)
<worn around neck>   an amulet of wisdom [superior] (magic)
<worn on body>       a 'Misty Vale #1 Hunter' shirt
<worn about body>    the cloak of woven time (magic) (glowing)
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight (magic)
<worn about waist>   a diabolical gold belt [82%]
<worn on belt buckle>a harp of the sirens (magic) (glowing)
<worn on arms>       some slime-covered aboleth skin (magic) (glowing) [76%]
<held as shield>     a well-polished mithril body shield [superior] with a strange dark bloodstone
<worn around wrist>  the neck-charm of Savannah of Broken Trusts [69%]
<worn around wrist>  a mithril engraved clerical bracelet [superior]
<worn on hands>      the gloves of immolation (glowing)
<worn on finger>     a blue ring shooting sparks [superior]
<worn on finger>     the ring of the void [superior] (magic)
<primary weapon>     the glorious rod of sanctity (magic)
<worn on legs>       some mithril and dragonscale leg plates (magic)
<worn on feet>       the boots of the dreamer (magic)

Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.

< 866h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
The Horseman of Pestilence breathes on a colossal djinn statue!
A colossal djinn statue's face turns green as a sickly cloud descends upon it.
The Horseman of Famine glares around!
Billowing clouds of incendiary gases pour from Kiria's fingertips!
Kiria cackles as her incendiary cloud torches a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria cackles as her incendiary cloud torches a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria cackles as her incendiary cloud torches a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria cackles as her incendiary cloud torches a colossal djinn statue.
The Horseman of War returns to the Abyss.

Kiria snaps into visibility.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 866h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Kiria dodges a colossal djinn statue's attack.
Ra snaps into visibility.

< 866h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A colossal djinn statue's eyes briefly cloud over as its body is painfully ripped apart from within.

< 866h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Oraks completes his spell...
Oraks utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Oraks's fist beats the life out of a colossal djinn statue, blood pours from its body!
Revithax completes his spell...
Revithax utters the words 'buoblg qfjgpuio paie'
A colossal djinn statue is encircled by a huge fist sent by Revithax, which begins to crush its body.
Rargg misses a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg misses a colossal djinn statue.
Thugan starts casting a spell.

< 867h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Gruul snaps into visibility.

< 867h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Maulr returns to normal as his rage abates.
A colossal djinn statue's crude maul grazes Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
Kiria dodges a colossal djinn statue's attack.

< 868h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A colossal djinn statue screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within its body.

< 868h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A colossal djinn statue seems to have overcome its battle madness.
The Horseman of Pestilence breathes on a colossal djinn statue!
A colossal djinn statue's face turns green as a sickly cloud descends upon it.
The Horseman of Famine glares around!
The Horseman of Famine returns to the Abyss.

Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Gruul points at a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul's iceball shatters upon impacting a colossal djinn statue, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
A LARGE fire elemental's feeble crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria snaps into visibility.
A colossal djinn statue's maul grazes Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
Kiria deflects a colossal djinn statue's blow and strikes back at it!
Kiria's weak slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 869h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A colossal djinn statue suddenly turns green as poison reaches its vital organs.
Oraks starts casting an offensive spell.
Matak starts to chant in a deep voice.
Matak touches a colossal djinn statue with his vibrating palm, sending it into spasms of agony.
Revithax starts casting an offensive spell.

< 869h/869H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'wagg pzar'
A warm feeling fills your body.
Zaiobe misses a colossal djinn statue.
Zaiobe snaps into visibility.
Argo suddenly appears a bit confused!
Argo's powerful bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo swings massive spiked demon mace of the tanar'ri into a colossal djinn statue with a mighty force before ripping it back out with a violent yank!
a colossal djinn statue cries out in pain as an acidic spike breaks off in the wound, burning and sizzling.
A flaming conflagration spews from Argo striking a colossal djinn statue full on!
A bubbling spray of goo spews from Argo striking a colossal djinn statue full on!
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr suddenly appears a bit confused!
Maulr's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's body appears to recover from the affects of the potion.
Your heroic urges slowly fade away.
You no longer feel safe from acid.
You no longer feel safe from lightning.
You no longer feel safe from poison gas.
You no longer feel safe from cold.
You no longer feel safe from fire.
You sit down and relax.

< 836h/836H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A powerful triton sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
A shadow dracolich's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A shadow dracolich's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A shadow dracolich's impressive claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Ra snaps into visibility.
You have memorized the following spells:
(11th circle)  1 - true seeing
               1 - group recall
               1 - lesser sanctuary
(10th circle)  4 - full harm
               1 - accelerated healing
( 9th circle)  1 - word of recall
               4 - unholy word
( 8th circle)  2 - dispel magic
               3 - mass heal
               1 - virtue
( 7th circle)  6 - full heal
( 6th circle)  1 - continual light
               4 - flame strike
               1 - darkness
               1 - negative energy barrier
( 5th circle)  2 - vitality
               4 - destroy undead
               1 - soulshield
( 4th circle)  1 - remove curse
               1 - summon
               2 - cure disease
               5 - invigorate
( 3rd circle)  2 - earthquake
               2 - remove poison
               4 - cause critical
( 2nd circle)  4 - blindness
               1 - protection from fire
( 1st circle)  1 - armor
               1 - bless
               1 - detect magic
               3 - turn undead

And you are currently praying for the following spells:
    1 seconds:  ( 5th) heal
    2 seconds:  (12th) miracle

You can pray 6 1st, 6 2nd, 2 3rd and 1 11th circle spell(s).
You continue your praying.

< 836h/836H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.
Your mighty battle cry rallies your comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of your enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.

< 836h/836H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A colossal djinn statue suddenly clutches their head, as if trying to shrug off some unknown malady.
A colossal djinn statue's eyes briefly cloud over as its body is painfully ripped apart from within.
Sgan misses a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg misses a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Sparkling magic surrounds a Shade as he begins his chant.
A Shade starts casting an offensive spell.
A Shade snaps into visibility.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A colossal djinn statue starts casting a spell.
A colossal djinn statue completes its spell...
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue, then vanishes.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A Shade completes his spell...
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into Revithax.
Darkness flows from the rift encasing Revithax in an impenetrable shell.
Revithax seems to be blinded!
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Revithax explodes in flames as a GIGANTIC fireball engulfs him.
Oraks completes his spell...
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue's body upon contact with Oraks's assault, deflecting it back at him!
A colossal djinn statue's fist beats the life out of Oraks, blood pours from his body!
Revithax completes his spell...
A colossal djinn statue is encircled by a huge fist sent by Revithax, which begins to crush its body.
Revithax misses a colossal djinn statue.
A powerful triton's decent crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A LARGE water elemental's decent crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's decent punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue dodges Matak's attack.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
The Horseman of Pestilence returns to the Abyss.

Ra snaps into visibility.
You have finished praying for heal.
A powerful triton misses a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul points at a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul's iceball shatters upon impacting a colossal djinn statue, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A colossal djinn statue screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within its body.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Pok lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A colossal djinn statue's fine maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Ra's weak bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Ra's weak bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
A colossal djinn statue stands impassively as a Shade passes by.
Thugan starts casting a spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Oraks misses a colossal djinn statue.
Oraks misses a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Grey Elf coats Revithax with searing agony.
Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.
Ra lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Oraks starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
Green slime eats away at a colossal djinn statue's skin!
You have finished praying for miracle.
Your prayers are complete.
A colossal djinn statue's fine maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
Lielz starts casting a spell.
Sgan starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: sitting >
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Rargg as his mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
You clamber to your feet.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Rargg returns to normal as his rage abates.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A Grey Elf calls down a roaring flamestrike at Revithax who starts to melt!
Sgan completes his spell...
Sgan utters the words 'gragpuio eabratizgg'
Sgan utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near a Shade!
A colossal djinn statue's fine maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
A colossal djinn statue's maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
Sparkling magic surrounds a powerful triton as he begins his chant.
A powerful triton starts casting a spell called 'reflection'.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Gruul points at a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul's iceball shatters upon impacting a colossal djinn statue, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'wagg pzar'
A warm feeling fills your body.
Matak begins moving into position for a combination...
Revithax stops fighting.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Oraks completes his spell...
Oraks utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Oraks's magic rips the fabric of reality causing ChAoTiC energies to pour in.
A colossal djinn statue looks _really_ dumb.
Oraks's fist beats the life out of a colossal djinn statue, blood pours from its body!
A LARGE fire elemental suddenly appears a bit confused!
A LARGE fire elemental's feeble crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A LARGE fire elemental's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
You start chanting...

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Grey Elf coats Revithax with searing agony.
A powerful triton completes his spell...
A powerful triton utters the word 'candusyrzqhuai'
Revithax sssppllliiitttsss into many images!
You lose focus Revithax.  Which one was it?
You lost your concentration!
You abort your prayer before it's done!
Ra wills the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume thier foe...
A colossal djinn statue screams and doubles over in agony as searing heat ignites within its body.
A colossal djinn statue's fine maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
A colossal djinn statue's maul wounds Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
A colossal djinn statue starts casting a spell.
Revithax suddenly attacks a colossal djinn statue!
Revithax suddenly appears a bit confused!
Revithax misses a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue completes its spell...
A colossal djinn statue utters the words 'qpaui diesilla'
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves a colossal djinn statue's hands...
The sphere circling Gruul's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
Gruul snaps into visibility.
The sphere circling Pok's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
The sphere circling Thugan's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling Oraks's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling Ra's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a LARGE water elemental's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a powerful triton's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a powerful triton's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a powerful triton's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling Kiria's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a LARGE fire elemental's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a crypt revenant's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
The sphere circling a shadow dracolich's body darts in front of a colossal djinn statue's assault!
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Argo's bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's powerful bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's powerful bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's powerful bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy mace of the efreeti carried by Zaiobe.
A colossal djinn statue dodges Revithax's attack.
Revithax misses a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue dodges Revithax's attack.
A shadow dracolich's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A shadow dracolich's impressive claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue dodges a shadow dracolich's attack.
Sgan starts casting an offensive spell.
Maulr fills with a SURGE of BLoOdLuST! ROARRRRRRRR!!!

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Zaiobe's feeble bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak suddenly appears a bit confused!
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
Sgan completes his spell...
Sgan utters the words 'gragpuio eabratizgg'
Sgan utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near a Shade!
Thugan misses a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A colossal djinn statue dodges a crypt revenant's attack.
A colossal djinn statue dodges a crypt revenant's attack.
A crypt revenant's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Thugan starts casting a spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A powerful triton's weak pierce grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A powerful triton misses a colossal djinn statue.
Sgan misses a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg misses a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr smashes ancient adamantium warhammer of dwarven kings of damage into the earth causing a HUGE eruption of LiGhTnInG!!
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Maulr's hands...
And blasts into Revithax!
Upon being struck, Revithax disappears into thin air.
Revithax stops following a powerful triton.
Thugan stops chanting abruptly!
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Upon being struck, Revithax disappears into thin air.
Revithax stops following a powerful triton.
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Upon being struck, Revithax disappears into thin air.
Revithax stops following a powerful triton.
Then leaps and smacks into Revithax!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Maulr's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Oraks starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Green slime eats away at a colossal djinn statue's skin!
Kiria's slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A powerful triton's decent crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A LARGE water elemental's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg fills with a SURGE of BLoOdLuST! ROARRRRRRRR!!!

Gruul grasps his totem tightly, and begins communing with the spirits.
Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.
Gruul snaps into visibility.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A powerful triton sings so badly it makes you hurt all over.
Lielz completes his spell...
Lielz utters the words 'ofajs ghaiz gtui'
Kiria's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
A powerful triton's decent crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
Gruul points at a Shade.
The chaotic shield surrounding a Shade flares as it absorbs some of Gruul's spell.
Sgan starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Grey Elf coats Revithax with searing agony.
Gruul misses a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul snaps into visibility.
Kiria dodges a colossal djinn statue's attack.
Kiria snaps into visibility.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Oraks completes his spell...
Oraks utters the words 'buoblg qrunsoqpze yugh'
Oraks's fist beats the life out of a colossal djinn statue, blood pours from its body!
Rargg's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Ra snaps into visibility.
Ra's weak bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Ra's weak bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Zaiobe starts casting an offensive spell.
Zaiobe snaps into visibility.
You start chanting...

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A Grey Elf calls down a roaring flamestrike at Revithax who starts to melt!
Sgan completes his spell...
Sgan utters the words 'gragpuio eabratizgg'
Sgan utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near a Shade!
Oraks misses a colossal djinn statue.
Oraks's punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Zaiobe completes her spell...
Zaiobe utters the words 'jiparl xafe'
Zaiobe sends a colossal djinn statue reeling with an unholy word.
Zaiobe sends a colossal djinn statue reeling with an unholy word.
Zaiobe sends a colossal djinn statue reeling with an unholy word.
Zaiobe sends a colossal djinn statue reeling with an unholy word.
Thugan starts casting a spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.
Maulr madly swings his weapon...
Maulr's crush critically injures Revithax.
Upon being struck, Revithax disappears into thin air.
Revithax stops following a powerful triton.
Maulr's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's weak crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's fine crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's weak crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Pok stops fighting.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Kiria parries a colossal djinn statue's lunge at her.
A powerful triton stops fighting.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Casting: full heal 
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
As Maulr strikes a colossal djinn statue, the power of Maulr's ancestors fill him with RAGE!
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A sense of WiLD HAtE surrounds Maulr as his crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Thugan completes his spell...
Thugan utters the words 'pzaruio garzz'
Upon Thugan's touch a soft glow flows from his hands and surrounds Revithax.
Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
Gruul points at a Shade.
Gruul snaps into visibility.
You complete your spell...
A torrent of divine energy flows into Revithax's body, and his wounds begin to heal!
Kiria parries a colossal djinn statue's lunge at her.
A colossal djinn statue starts casting a spell.
A colossal djinn statue completes its spell...
A colossal djinn statue utters the word 'oculoyrzqh'
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue, then vanishes.
Matak starts to chant in a deep voice.
Sgan starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Green slime eats away at a colossal djinn statue's skin!
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Grey Elf coats Revithax with searing agony.
A LARGE fire elemental's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Argo's impressive bludgeon grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Sgan stops invoking abruptly!

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A shadow dracolich's powerful claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A shadow dracolich's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A shadow dracolich's claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's fine punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's decent punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's impressive punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Matak's punch grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Small tendrils of smoke seep out of Kiria's mouth behind the mask.
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
Kiria dodges a colossal djinn statue's attack.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A colossal djinn statue dodges Thugan's attack.
Rargg's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul starts casting an offensive spell.
Gruul snaps into visibility.
Thugan stops fighting.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Sgan starts casting an offensive spell.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A Grey Elf calls down a roaring flamestrike at Revithax who starts to melt!
A colossal djinn statue dodges a crypt revenant's attack.
A crypt revenant suddenly appears a bit confused!
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A crypt revenant's feeble claw grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria's fine slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Kiria's impressive slash grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Gruul completes his spell...
Gruul utters the words 'warhunso gsfal'
Gruul points at a Shade.
Gruul snaps into visibility.
Zaiobe misses a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A blast of molten spray sent by a Grey Elf coats Revithax with searing agony.
Sgan completes his spell...
Sgan utters the words 'gragpuio eabratizgg'
Sgan utters a word of dark speech, and a shadowy hand coalesces near a Shade!
A colossal djinn statue dodges Sgan's attack.
Revithax starts casting an offensive spell.
Looks like an exit.
You extend your sights northward.
An Antechamber buzzing with Energy
Obvious exits: -E -S -W
An onyx rock fills the room, pulsing with energy. (glowing) (humming)
A Grey Elf (medium)  Islamic Jihad stands in mid-air here.(Holy)(Gold Aura)
A Grey Elf (medium)  Islamic Jihad stands in mid-air here.(Gold Aura)

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A Shade starts casting an offensive spell.
A Shade snaps into visibility.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Gruul misses a colossal djinn statue.
Gruul snaps into visibility.
A powerful triton's decent crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
A LARGE water elemental's fine crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's impressive crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Maulr's mighty crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A powerful triton's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
Fire sears and bakes a colossal djinn statue!
The mordant substance oozes off of a colossal djinn statue.
Revithax completes his spell...
Revithax utters the word 'yufzbarr'
The intense flames cause a Shade's skin to smolder and burn!
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Revithax smirks as his fireball explodes into the face of a Shade.
A Shade's a shimmering shark tooth earring is burned from the blast!
A colossal djinn statue's maul grazes Kiria.
As a colossal djinn statue strikes Kiria, she smiles as a colossal djinn statue tears its flesh!
A colossal djinn statue starts casting a spell.
A colossal djinn statue completes its spell...
A colossal djinn statue utters the word 'oculoyrzqh'
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue, then vanishes.

< 863h/863H 166v/166V Pos: standing >
A Shade completes his spell...
A Shade utters the words 'qpaahuq fussrz'
A Shade loses control over the raging magic sending ChAoTiC energy writhing throughout the room.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into Argo.
Ice crystals form around Argo as intense cold causes his body to freeze.
The sphere circling Argo's body darts in front of a Shade's assault!
A tentacle of solified mist coils itself around Argo
tossing him to the ground.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into a powerful triton.
Ice crystals form around a powerful triton as intense cold causes its body to freeze.
A Shade's spell flows around a powerful triton, leaving it unharmed!
Clutching its head a powerful triton tries to escape the
maddening images circling it.
A powerful triton is stunned!
A glint of maddening touches a powerful triton's eyes
as unseen powers corrupt it.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into Kiria.
Clutching her head Kiria tries to escape the
maddening images circling her.
Kiria is stunned!
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Twin bolts of writhing power slam into Kiria's chest.
Ice crystals form around Kiria as intense cold causes her body to freeze.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Kiria snaps into visibility.
Twin bolts of writhing power slam into Kiria's chest.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into a colossal djinn statue.
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue's body upon contact with a Shade's assault, deflecting it back at him!
The intense flames cause a Shade's skin to smolder and burn!
a Shade explodes in flames as a GIGANTIC fireball engulfs it.
Twin bolts of writhing power slam into a colossal djinn statue's chest.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
A Shade shatters the fabric of reality
sending ripples of ChAoTiC energy flowing into Revithax.
Revithax raises hands performing an arcane gesture and some of a Shade's spell energy is dispersed.
The intense flames cause Revithax's skin to smolder and burn!
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Revithax explodes in flames as a GIGANTIC fireball engulfs him.
A Shade snaps into visibility.
Twin bolts of writhing power slam into Revithax's chest.
Clutching his head Revithax tries to escape the
maddening images circling him.
Revithax is stunned!
A tentacle of solified mist coils itself around Revithax
tossing him to the ground.
Rargg's powerful crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg smashes ancient adamantium warhammer of dwarven kings into the earth causing a HUGE eruption of LiGhTnInG!!
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Rargg's hands...
A Shade snaps into visibility.
And blasts into a Shade!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
A translucent field flashes around a colossal djinn statue's body upon contact with Rargg's assault, deflecting it back at him!
Then leaps and smacks into Rargg!
Then leaps and smacks into a colossal djinn statue!
Rargg's crush grazes a colossal djinn statue.
Rargg smashes ancient adamantium warhammer of dwarven kings into the earth causing a HUGE eruption of LiGhTnInG!!
A writhing bolt of lightning leaves Rargg's hands...
A Shade snaps into visibility.
And blasts into a Shade!
A Shade's robe of the mind [superior] exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Shade's carnelian and ruby inlaid gorget [poor] exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Shade's pair of clawed demon-hide moccasins exploded spreading charges of electrical energy!
A Shade is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!