The death of [31 Elaphidist] Gaul -=Tharnadian Royal Marines=- (Human)

in A Small Library

from the perspective of [54 Pyrokinetic] Ra *-* Warlords *-* (Githyanki)

<worn as a badge>    the insignia of swirling feathers and flowing water
<worn on head>       a black crown encrusted with mindstones [poor] (glowing)
<worn on eyes>       the third eye of the mindreaver [superior] [65%]
<worn in ear>        an earring of negative energy
<worn in ear>        a flaming earring [superior] [88%]
<worn on face>       a white hot mask of living flame (glowing) [86%]
<worn around neck>   a magical dragonscale amulet
<worn around neck>   a water amulet (magic)
<worn on body>       a warsuit of jade wyrmscale of endurance (glowing)
<worn about body>    a translucent cloak of the ancients (magic)
<worn as quiver>     a silken backsheath of flight with a strange dark bloodstone (magic) [74%]
<worn about waist>   the threads of astral projection (glowing)
<worn on belt buckle>a severed illithid tentacle
<worn on arms>       some black leather sleeves glowing with faerie fire (magic) (glowing)
<held as shield>     a static diamond tower shield
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich teeth [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich hide (magic) (humming) [51%]
<worn on hands>      some frozen obsidian gloves [89%]
<worn on finger>     a glowing faerie ring
<worn on finger>     a silvery ring with engraved sigils [poor] (glowing)
<primary weapon>     the silvery staff of the githyanki arch-mage [poor]
<worn on legs>       a pair of rugged leather breeches
<worn on feet>       some spurred blood crystal boots (magic)

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade misses the receptionist.
Facade misses the receptionist.
Facade's whip grazes the receptionist.
Facade misses the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even completes his spell...
Even utters the words 'jiparl xafe'
Even sends a tharnadian illusionist reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends the receptionist reeling with an unholy word.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Casting: pyrokinesis 

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
-=[You ignite a personal inferno within an elite guard's body.]=-
An elite guard suddenly looks in pain as he moves.
You burn them on the inside, real deep.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Kaene snaps into visibility.
Kaene's decent pierce grazes the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'uigzqhg'
A swarm of insects appears from nowhere!
A swarm of insects suddenly attacks Ubaks!
A swarm of insects's sting grazes Ubaks.
A swarm of insects appears from nowhere!
A swarm of insects suddenly attacks Ubaks!
A swarm of insects's feeble sting grazes Ubaks.
A swarm of insects appears from nowhere!
A swarm of insects suddenly attacks Ubaks!
A swarm of insects misses Ubaks.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Drez completes his spell...
Drez utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
An elite guard begins to dry and wilt.
Even completes his spell...
Even utters the words 'jiparl xafe'
Even sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
A swarm of insects is stunned!
Even sends a tharnadian illusionist reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
Even sends the receptionist reeling with an unholy word.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Kaene's attack.
Kaene's decent pierce grazes the receptionist.
Kaene's decent pierce grazes the receptionist.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Kaene's attack.
Kaene's decent slash grazes the receptionist.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Kaene's attack.
You begin to focus your will...
Fraglo's impressive pierce strikes an elite guard hard.
Fraglo's impressive pierce strikes an elite guard hard.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ekimensio's fine slash strikes an elite guard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's fine slash strikes an elite guard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's slash strikes an elite guard hard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's slash strikes an elite guard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's impressive slash strikes an elite guard very hard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's slash strikes an elite guard very hard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's impressive slash strikes an elite guard very hard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!
Ekimensio's slash seriously wounds an elite guard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Obi's fine crush seriously wounds an elite guard.
Obi's fine crush enshrouds an elite guard in a mist of blood.
Obi's fine crush enshrouds an elite guard in a mist of blood.
Obi's decent crush causes an elite guard to grimace in pain.
An elite guard is stunned!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Ubaks's attack.
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Ubaks's attack.
Miop starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Casting: pyrokinesis 

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Miop completes his spell...
Miop utters the words 'jiparl xafe'
Miop sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 0.
Miop sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 0.
Miop sends a swarm of insects reeling with an unholy word.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 0.
Miop sends a tharnadian illusionist reeling with an unholy word.
Miop sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
An elite guard is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 99.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of an elite guard.
You abort your mental image before it has become reality!
Miop sends an elite guard reeling with an unholy word.
Miop sends the receptionist reeling with an unholy word.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around a blue dracolich's attack.
A blue dracolich's fine claw grazes the receptionist.
A blue dracolich's claw wounds the receptionist.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of a green dracolich's attack.
A green dracolich's impressive claw wounds the receptionist.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around a green dracolich's attack.
A green dracolich's impressive claw wounds the receptionist.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around a green dracolich's attack.
A green dracolich's fine claw grazes the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
You begin to focus your will...
Drez starts casting an offensive spell.
Sylvist gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of an elite guard.
Huairen's impressive pierce strikes an elite guard.
Fraglo places Tiamat's poison tail stinger in the back of an elite guard, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
With a swift tug Fraglo wrenches the weapon free, ramming it into an elite guard's spine!
Fraglo places Tiamat's poison tail stinger in the back of an elite guard, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Fraglo's pierce strikes an elite guard.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy crown of damnation of endurance carried by Even.
An elite guard suddenly appears a bit confused!
An elite guard's feeble punch grazes Obi.
Obi dodges an elite guard's attack.
A tharnadian illusionist's decent punch wounds Ubaks.
A tharnadian illusionist ignites into black flames as he hits Ubaks!
A tharnadian illusionist's decent punch wounds Ubaks.
A tharnadian illusionist ignites into black flames as he hits Ubaks!
A tharnadian illusionist's decent punch wounds Ubaks.
A tharnadian illusionist ignites into black flames as he hits Ubaks!
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
The receptionist pokes Facade really hard, making you wince.
The receptionist's weak punch grazes Facade.
The receptionist pokes Facade really hard, making you wince.
The receptionist's feeble punch grazes Facade.
The receptionist's weak punch grazes Facade.
The receptionist starts to chant in a deep voice.
A glowing glove of light springs from the receptionist's outstretched palms.
The receptionist burns Obi with her heavenly starlight.
Obi is burned by brilliant light!
The receptionist burns Koop with her heavenly starlight.
Koop is burned by brilliant light!
The receptionist burns Sylvist with her heavenly starlight.
Sylvist snaps into visibility.
Sylvist is burned by brilliant light!
The receptionist burns Nom with her heavenly starlight.
Nom is burned by brilliant light!
The receptionist burns a green dracolich with her heavenly starlight.
A green dracolich wavers in agony, as the positive energies sent by the receptionist purge her essence!
A green dracolich is burned by brilliant light!
The receptionist burns a green dracolich with her heavenly starlight.
A green dracolich wavers in agony, as the positive energies sent by the receptionist purge her essence!
A green dracolich is burned by brilliant light!
Facade clambers to his feet.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Huairen's slash strikes an elite guard.
Huairen's pierce strikes an elite guard.
Huairen's impressive slash strikes an elite guard.
Huairen's impressive slash strikes an elite guard.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Casting: pyrokinesis 
Ekimensio assists Obi heroically.
Ekimensio's powerful slash strikes an elite guard.
Searing bolts of black lightning flow forth from Ekimensio's legendary cutlass 'Sanguine Song' [superior], causing an elite guard to scream in pain!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Your mental manipulations become a reality...
You will the flames of the abyss to overwhelm and consume your foe...
-=[You ignite a personal inferno within an elite guard's body.]=-
An elite guard suddenly looks in pain as he moves.
You burn them on the inside, real deep.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae completes his spell...
Vessekae utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Vessekae drains the receptionist - what a waste of energy!
Facade's whip grazes the receptionist.
Facade's crude bludgeon grazes the receptionist.
Facade's decent whip grazes the receptionist.
Facade's fine whip wounds the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Drez completes his spell...
Drez utters the words 'paffue xurhuio'
An elite guard begins to dry and wilt.
An elite guard is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 99.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
The last gasps of an elite guard cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Nom sings a song to protect him from the world.
Ubaks's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
You failed.
Facade fills with BLooDLuST and makes a ferocious leap at the receptionist!
Facade makes a futile attempt to maul the receptionist, but she is simply immovable.
Huairen gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of an elite guard.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Kaene snaps into visibility.
Kaene's decent slash wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's decent pierce wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's decent pierce wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's decent slash wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's decent slash grazes the receptionist.
Kaene's sword of fire and flame summons the power of fire and flames at the receptionist.
Kaene bathes a tharnadian illusionist in cleansing flame, but he does not look thankful.
Kaene bathes the receptionist in cleansing flame, but she does not look thankful.
Kaene's sword of fire and flame calls upon the pure power of the plane of fire, directing it at the receptionist!
Kaene calls down a roaring flamestrike at the receptionist who starts to melt!
Dunga enters from the west.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Ubaks, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Even sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Ubaks's attack.
Even takes out his unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
Koop misses the receptionist.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Koop's attack.
Vessekae starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Nom's attack.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Nom's attack.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Nom's attack.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Sylvist misses the receptionist.
Sylvist misses the receptionist.
A blue dracolich's impressive claw wounds the receptionist.
A blue dracolich misses the receptionist.
A blue dracolich's impressive claw wounds the receptionist.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of a green dracolich's attack.
A green dracolich's decent claw grazes the receptionist.
A green dracolich's fine claw wounds the receptionist.
A green dracolich's claw wounds the receptionist.
A green dracolich's decent claw grazes the receptionist.
A green dracolich's claw grazes the receptionist.
Ubaks starts casting a spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae completes his spell...
Vessekae utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Vessekae drains the receptionist - what a waste of energy!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist's crude punch wounds Ubaks.
A tharnadian illusionist ignites into black flames as he hits Ubaks!
Ubaks blocks a tharnadian illusionist's lunge at him.
Ubaks dodges a tharnadian illusionist's attack.
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
The receptionist's crude punch grazes Facade.
The receptionist's punch wounds Facade.
The receptionist pokes Facade really hard, making you wince.
The receptionist's punch wounds Facade.
Facade begins to sllooowwww down.
The receptionist's impressive punch strikes Facade.
The receptionist's impressive punch wounds Facade.
The receptionist's fine punch wounds Facade.
The receptionist starts to chant in a deep voice.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks completes his spell...
Ubaks utters the word 'pzar'
Healing energy flows from Ubaks into Ubaks's body!
Koop starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae starts casting an offensive spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Huairen attempts to stab a tharnadian illusionist in the back, but a tharnadian illusionist's shadow shield quickly absorbs the impact before fading away!
Huairen snaps into visibility.
Huairen places an otherworldly stiletto of soul-taking with a strange black stone in the back of a tharnadian illusionist, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade misses the receptionist.
Facade's decent bludgeon wounds the receptionist.
Facade misses the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae completes his spell...
Vessekae utters the words 'unsozfol efaui'
Vessekae drains the receptionist - what a waste of energy!
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'pawwzf'
A tharnadian illusionist creates a hammer out of thin air that smashes into Ubaks, bits of flesh and bone fly everywhere!
Kaene's slash wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's slash wounds the receptionist.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Kaene's attack.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Kaene's attack.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Kaene's attack.
Kaene's slash wounds the receptionist.
Kaene's decent slash wounds the receptionist.
Ubaks misses a tharnadian illusionist.
Obi snaps into visibility.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Koop completes his spell...
Koop utters the words 'abrauztg gpahhzfuio uqzbarr'
Koop points at the receptionist.
Koop's iceball shatters upon impacting the receptionist, rending flesh and sending blood flying.
Even raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even clambers to his feet.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of Nom's attack.
Nom's crude pierce strikes the receptionist.
Nom misses the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Obi snaps into visibility.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of a blue dracolich's attack.
A blue dracolich's fine claw strikes the receptionist.
A blue dracolich's fine claw strikes the receptionist.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around a green dracolich's attack.
A green dracolich's decent claw strikes the receptionist.
A green dracolich's fine claw strikes the receptionist.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of a green dracolich's attack.
The receptionist nimbly swivels out of the path of a green dracolich's attack.
Vessekae starts casting an offensive spell.
Obi heroically rescues Facade.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Huairen's impressive slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist.
Huairen's slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist.
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Huairen's attack.
Huairen's impressive slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist.
Huairen's powerful slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist hard.
The receptionist gracefully whirls around Koop's attack.
Koop's fine punch strikes the receptionist.
Koop starts casting an offensive spell.
Fraglo places Tiamat's poison tail stinger in the back of the receptionist, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
The receptionist is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 569.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
A look of horror and a silent scream are the receptionist's last actions in this world.
Koop stops invoking abruptly!
Vessekae stops invoking abruptly!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist's feeble punch grazes Ubaks.
A tharnadian illusionist ignites into black flames as he hits Ubaks!
Ubaks dodges a tharnadian illusionist's attack.
Ubaks dodges a tharnadian illusionist's attack.
A tharnadian illusionist starts casting an offensive spell.
Sylvist gets a small pile of coins from the corpse of the receptionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Sylvist puts a large pile of coins into a bottomless bag of the illithids.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade clambers to his feet.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade fills with BLooDLuST and makes a ferocious leap at a tharnadian illusionist!
A tharnadian illusionist avoids Facade's ferocious maul, and down he goes!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks misses a tharnadian illusionist.
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Ubaks's attack.
Vessekae sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae opens a cloth-bound tome of magical study and begins studying it intently.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A tharnadian illusionist completes his spell...
A tharnadian illusionist utters the word 'agsplnuahz'
Ghostly hands appear before Ubaks, close around his neck and begin to squeeze!
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ubaks gasps for air as a pair of ghostly hands tighten around his throat!
A tharnadian illusionist's face turns pale as Huairen slams his head into his face.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Huairen snaps into visibility.
Huairen's slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist hard.
A tharnadian illusionist dodges Huairen's attack.
Huairen's impressive slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist.
Huairen's slash strikes a tharnadian illusionist.
Even starts casting an offensive spell.
Even snaps into visibility.
Fraglo places Tiamat's poison tail stinger in the back of a tharnadian illusionist, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Fraglo's impressive pierce seriously wounds a tharnadian illusionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Tsunami, the trident of storms carried by Even.
Vessekae gives an order to his followers.
A green dracolich suddenly attacks a tharnadian illusionist!
A green dracolich's claw enshrouds a tharnadian illusionist in a mist of blood.
A green dracolich suddenly attacks a tharnadian illusionist!
A green dracolich's claw enshrouds a tharnadian illusionist in a mist of blood.
A blue dracolich suddenly attacks a tharnadian illusionist!
A blue dracolich's claw grievously wounds a tharnadian illusionist.
A tharnadian illusionist is stunned!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even completes his spell...
Even utters the words 'jiparl xafe'
Even sends a tharnadian illusionist reeling with an unholy word.
A tharnadian illusionist is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
Experience(KILL): Ra by 316.
The smell of fresh blood enters your body, infusing you with power!
A tharnadian illusionist's death cry reverberates in your head as he falls to the ground.
Obi gets something from the corpse of a tharnadian illusionist.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Obi snaps into visibility.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from Tiamat's poison tail stinger carried by Fraglo.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even starts casting a spell.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae closes his book and grins malevolently.
Nom starts playing the instrument of lyrical mastery and singing aloud.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even completes his spell...
Even utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Even into Facade's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Vessekae clambers to his feet.
Facade rises to his feet.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even takes out his unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Miop sits down in a comfortable spot.
Huairen puts a small pile of coins into a rugged adventurers satchel.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Miop stares off into space, entering a meditative trance.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Even clambers to his feet.
Ekimensio closes the door.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Nom sings a song to protect him from the world.
Bands of AMAZINGLY strong armor wrap around you.
Facade's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ekimensio opens the door.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Ekimensio leaves west.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade leaves west.
Alarm bells sound, signalling an invasion!
Ubaks leaves west.
Drez leaves west.
Huairen leaves west.
Kaene sneaks west.
You follow Even.

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Corridor

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Corridor
You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W -U
*Kaene  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaene's head.
*Huairen  *-* Warlords *-* (Goblin)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Fraglo  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Fraglo's head.
Drez  *-* Warlords *-* (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drez's head.
Ubaks  *-* Warlords *-* (Goblin)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Facade  *-* Warlords *-* (Minotaur)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Even  *-* Warlords *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Even's head.
A blue dracolich enters from the east.
A green dracolich enters from the east.
A green dracolich enters from the east.
Nom sneaks in from the east.
Dunga enters from the east.
Obi sneaks in from the east.

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >
Your battle frenzy fades.
Ubaks starts casting a spell.

< 858h/858H 320v/321V Pos: standing >
Facade lets loose with a powerful SCREAM!!
Obi becomes alert and ready to fight.
Koop becomes alert and ready to fight.
Dunga becomes alert and ready to fight.
Huairen becomes alert and ready to fight.
Nom becomes alert and ready to fight.
Kaene becomes alert and ready to fight.
Sylvist becomes alert and ready to fight.
Vessekae becomes alert and ready to fight.
Ubaks becomes alert and ready to fight.
Fraglo becomes alert and ready to fight.
Facade becomes alert and ready to fight.
A green dracolich becomes alert and ready to fight.
You feel like you could fight forever.
A green dracolich becomes alert and ready to fight.
A blue dracolich becomes alert and ready to fight.
Drez becomes alert and ready to fight.
Even becomes alert and ready to fight.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!

< 858h/858H 320v/321V Pos: standing >
Nom sings a song to protect him from the world.
Koop's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Sylvist's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Dunga's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Nom's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Vessekae's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Kaene's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Huairen's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Fraglo's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.
Drez's flesh melds with conjured rocks, turning it to stone.

< 908h/908H 321v/321V Pos: standing >
Drez leaves west.
Huairen leaves west.
Kaene sneaks west.
You follow Even.

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Corridor

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Corridor
You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
A Corridor
Obvious exits: -N -E -S -W
*Kaene  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaene's head.
*Huairen  *-* Warlords *-* (Goblin)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Fraglo  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Fraglo's head.
Drez  *-* Warlords *-* (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drez's head.
*Even  *-* Warlords *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Even's head.
A blue dracolich enters from the east.
A green dracolich enters from the east.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
A green dracolich enters from the east.
Nom sneaks in from the east.
Dunga enters from the east.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Obi sneaks in from the east.

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >

< 908h/908H 320v/321V Pos: standing >
Drez leaves north.
Fraglo sneaks north.
Huairen leaves north.
Kaene sneaks north.
You follow Even.

The blue glow surrounding you fades away.

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Small Library

Zone: Tharnadia - City of Humans.
Room: A Small Library
You feel uneasy with so many Evil players in Tharnadia - City of Humans.
A Small Library
Obvious exits: -S
A finely carved desk stands, regally, here.
*Kaene  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Kaene's head.
*Huairen  *-* Warlords *-* (Goblin)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Fraglo  *-* Warlords *-* (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Fraglo's head.
Drez  *-* Warlords *-* (Drider)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Drez's head.
*Even  *-* Warlords *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Even's head.
Ekimensio  *-* Warlords *-* (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here, fighting a Human.(Red Aura)
A Human (medium)  -=Tharnadian Royal Marines=- stands here, fighting Ekimensio. (Non-Fraggable)(Gold Aura)
A blue dracolich enters from the south.
A green dracolich enters from the south.
A green dracolich enters from the south.
Nom sneaks in from the south.
Dunga enters from the south.
Militia forces muster to bolster the town's defenses against the invaders!!!
Fraglo snaps into visibility.
Fraglo places Tiamat's poison tail stinger in the back of a Human, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
Fraglo twists the blade causing a Human to writhe in agony,
Fraglo places the dagger of Wind in the back of a Human, resulting in some strange noises and some blood.
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.