The death of [ 1 Mercenary] Diedie (Human)

in Outside the Northern Gates

from the perspective of [54 Shadowmage] Aq La Resistance (Kobold)

<worn as a badge>    a sigil of vile corruption (magic) (humming)
<worn on head>       the mighty crown of the gith [poor] (magic)
<worn on eyes>       the sapphire eye of a beholder guardian [superior] (magic) (humming) [53%]             
<worn in ear>        a sparkling golden hoop earring [poor] (magic) (illuminating)
<worn in ear>        the earring of the gods [superior]
<worn on face>       a silk veil of the enchantress [poor] (magic)
<worn around neck>   an amulet of the Neogi Lords [poor] (magic) [87%]             
<worn around neck>   the amulet of the triad of witches (magic)
<worn on body>       the armor of purity
<worn about body>    the cloak of woven time (magic) (glowing)
<worn on back>       a large leather backpack
<worn on tail>       a tail of a giant salamander [poor] (magic) (illuminating)
<worn as quiver>     a pitted hardwood quiver
<worn about waist>   a utility belt of poisoning agents [poor]
<worn on belt buckle>a severed illithid tentacle
<attached to belt>   a rugged adventurers satchel (magic)
<attached to belt>   a midnight blue tome with silver bindings (glowing) [53%]             
<worn on arms>       some polished sleeves of Dagon [superior]
<worn around wrist>  a bracelet of dracolich teeth [superior] (magic) (glowing)
<worn around wrist>  a satanic bracelet [superior] (magic)
<worn on hands>      the cubes of protection (humming)
<worn on finger>     a ring of twisted gray mist (illuminating) [82%]             
<worn on finger>     a ring of the Neogi Lords [poor] (glowing)
<primary weapon>     the orb of the sea (glowing)[239h 33m 44s]
<held>               a beholder stalk (magic)
<worn on legs>       a pair of blood-stained wyrm scale leggings [superior] (magic)
<worn on feet>       some gnomish rocket boots (magic) (humming) [81%]             

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Jov snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Obeen clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov's mask sparkles for a moment, and reality seems to twist and bend.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Nib sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Nib takes out his unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The town crier shouts 'Blessed be the glorious gods of Duris!'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy staff of damnation carried by Obeen.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov's mask sparkles for a moment, and reality seems to twist and bend.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Nib raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin stops singing abruptly.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin stops using a rough wooden lyre.
Nib clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin grabs multi-colored glass flute of harmony.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
a vampire antipaladin starts playing multi-colored glass flute of harmony and singing aloud.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar opens a tome of mysticism and begins studying it intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy flamberge of the efreeti carried by Nib.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar closes his book and grins malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the stone mace 'Godsfury' carried by Washu.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz opens a midnight blue tome with silver bindings and begins studying it intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz closes his book and grins malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Experience till level: -218689739

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz sits down.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the oaken staff of the woodlands carried by Jov.
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz starts casting an offensive spell.
Cebz snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
A vampire antipaladin suddenly breaks out a quick verse from their repitiore of songs...
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
A vampire antipaladin busts out in dance!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz stops invoking abruptly!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.
Znar starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
Znar snaps into visibility.
Cebz starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
Sparkling magic surrounds Obeen as he begins his chant.
Obeen starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
Obeen snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human headbutts Jov, but apparently Jov got the best of him.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Obeen snaps into visibility.
Obeen completes his spell...
Obeen utters the word 'grzzs'
A Human goes to sleep.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz completes his spell...
Cebz utters the word 'grzzs'
A Human slumps to the ground.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human looks at Cebz.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Powerful sparks of magic seem to flow out from Jov's mask.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar completes his spell...
Znar utters the word 'grzzs'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
A vampire antipaladin snaps into visibility.
A Human falls sleep.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human is stunned!
A Human slumps to the ground.
A Human has a RUDE awakening!
A Human awakens.
A Human slithers north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Obeen starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.
Obeen snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Obeen completes his spell...
Obeen utters the word 'grzzs'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Javok's skin seems to turn to stone.
Nib's skin seems to turn to stone.
A Human slithers in from the north.
Znar opens a tome of mysticism and begins studying it intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov says in orc 'stone'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human slithers north.
Pilt rolls on the floor laughing.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov's mask sparkles for a moment, and reality seems to twist and bend.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Laz starts casting a spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
Znar closes his book and grins malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov's skin seems to turn to stone.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Laz completes his spell...
Laz utters the words 'yjrr pzar'
A torrent of divine energy flows from Laz into Jov's body, and his wounds begin to heal!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz opens a midnight blue tome with silver bindings and begins studying it intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Rolsek looks at a Human.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz closes his book and grins malevolently.
Zukus rolls on the floor laughing.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu is suddenly surrounded by a green mist!
A Human enters from the north.
Znar clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human slowly fades out of existence.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov sniffs sadly.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
Znar looks at a Human.
Cebz starts casting an offensive spell called 'sleep'.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Kobie giggles at a Human.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz completes his spell...
Cebz utters the word 'grzzs'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus starts casting a spell.
Zukus snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.
Cebz sits down.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus completes his spell...
Zukus utters the word 'noselacri'
Zukus's spell disturbs a Human's beauty sleep!
A Human seems to be blinded!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus sniffs sadly.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
The unmistakable scent of fresh blood can be smelled as a Human dies in agony.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz opens a midnight blue tome with silver bindings and begins studying it intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Cebz closes his book and grins malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.
Obeen giggles.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin stops singing abruptly.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin stops using multi-colored glass flute of harmony.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin grabs a rough wooden lyre.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
a vampire antipaladin starts playing a rough wooden lyre and singing aloud.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human says 'go awey'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus starts casting an offensive spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus completes his spell...
Zukus utters the word 'noselacri'
A Human leaves south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the sphere of wind carried by Laz.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus takes out his unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus raises his unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Powerful sparks of magic seem to flow out from Jov's mask.
A Human headbutts Cebz, but apparently Cebz got the best of him.
A Human is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Human stumbles side to side with starry eyes and a lost expression... finally collapsing.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!
A Human enters from the south.
Javok says 'KTFO'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Cebz punches a Human to death.
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
You feel the bloodlust in your heart as you hear the death cry of a Human.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus starts casting an offensive spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

		Score information for Aq

Level: 54   Race: Kobold   Class: Sorcerer / Shadowmage Sex: Male
Hit points: 779(779)  Moves: 160(160)
Coins carried:    0 platinum     0 gold     5 silver     9 copper
Coins in bank: 1422 platinum  2001 gold     0 silver     0 copper
Playing time: 6 days / 1 hours/ 34 minutes
Received data: 3.1668 MB this session.
Send data:     0.0072 MB this session.
Compression ratio: none
Title: La Resistance
Group Leader: Jov
Status:  Standing.
Epic points(total): 6034(16199)
Epic Bonus: Epic Points Bonus (14.33%)
Frags:   +2.57   Deaths:   13
Consenting: Zijr
Detecting:       Invisible Evil Good Magic Life Heat
Protected from:  Evil Good Fire Cold Lightning Gas Acid All but High Circle Spells
Protected by:    Greater Spirit Ward
Enchantments:    Ultravision Farsee Fly Armor Haste Invisibility Waterbreathing Reduced Size
Songs:    Song of Revelation
Stat Pool timeout: 46:58:01
Bartender Quests Remaining: 6
Combat Pulse:   14 Spell Pulse:  0.56 
Leaderboard Points: 1052 
Paladin auras:   Protection Battle Lust Vigor Spell Protection

Active Spells:
improved invisibility (24 minutes)
stone skin (less than a minute remaining)
globe of invulnerability (5 minutes)
roar of heroes (less than a minute remaining)
protection from lightning (11 minutes)
protection from acid (11 minutes)
protection from gas (11 minutes)
protection from cold (11 minutes)
protection from fire (11 minutes)
agility (26 minutes)
strength (26 minutes)
fly (116 minutes)
vitality (12 minutes)
armor (18 minutes)
protection from good (22 minutes)
bless (23 minutes)
farsee (38 minutes)
detect invisibility (26 minutes)
reduce (20 minutes)
rested bonus (58 minutes)

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus stops chanting abruptly!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Washu sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu takes out her unholy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu raises her unholy symbol and smiles malevolently.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus starts casting an offensive spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Kobie suddenly attacks a Human!
Kobie snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Zukus completes his spell...
Zukus utters the word 'noselacri'
A Human seems to be blinded!
Jov starts casting an offensive spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz looks at a Human.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov completes his spell...
Jov utters the word 'xuhpzf'
Jov loses control over the raging magic sending ChAoTiC energy writhing throughout the room.
A Human receives the full blast of a lightning bolt from Jov ... and is no more.
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.
The last gasps of a Human cause a sickening chill to run up your spine.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu clambers to her feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu starts casting a spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov snaps his fingers.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Washu completes her spell...
Washu utters the word 'wufaqrz'
You feel a slight magical surge that reinforces and refreshes your vitality.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the shadowy staff of damnation carried by Obeen.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Outside the Northern Gates
Obvious exits: -North -South
Fresh blood splatters cover the area.
[4] The corpse of a Human is lying here.
[5] The corpse of an elite guard is lying here.
The corpse of a controller is lying here.
The guildhall of AnGEr Of The Honoured is here.
An ivory statue of a regal woman stands here.
An ivory statue of a noble looking man stands here.
*Laz La Resistance (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
Kobie La Resistance (Kobold)(small) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Obeen La Resistance (Kobold)(tiny) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Nib La Resistance (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Noz La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) in mid-air sits atop a winged hellhound.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Noz's head.
*Goli La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Goli's head.
*Javok La Resistance (Troll)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Javok's head.
Zukus La Resistance (Duergar)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Rexx On parole, La Resistance (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
*Pilt La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Pilt's head.
Cebz La Resistance (Drow Elf)(large) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Cebz's head.
Jov La Resistance (Orc)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Jov's head.
*Rolsek La Resistance (Ogre)(huge) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A vampire antipaladin is standing here, busy with his own matters.(Red Aura)
*Ghi La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.
Znar La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Znar's head.
*Washu La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
An impenetrable globe of darkness floats near Washu's head.
*Raum La Resistance (Drow Elf)(medium) stands in mid-air here.(Red Aura)
A globe of darkness floats near Raum's head.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy flamberge of the efreeti carried by Nib.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human leaves north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz starts casting a spell.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
You start chanting...

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human enters from the south.
A Human enters from the north.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human headbutts Cebz, but apparently Cebz got the best of him.
A Human tries to drag the corpse of Sxtchat out of the room.
A Human slowly fades out of existence.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human attacks Cebz. [0 hits]

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility **
Cebz stops invoking abruptly!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Casting: mass invisibility *

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
You complete your spell...
A Human slowly fades out of existence.
Kobie slowly fades out of existence.
Obeen slowly fades out of existence.
Zukus slowly fades out of existence.
Cebz slowly fades out of existence.
Jov slowly fades out of existence.
a vampire antipaladin slowly fades out of existence.
Znar slowly fades out of existence.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Jov snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the holy flamberge of the efreeti carried by Nib.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
You sit down and relax.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
You have memorized the following spells:
(11th circle)  3 - solbeeps missile barrage
(10th circle)  5 - bigbys crushing hand
( 9th circle)  2 - relocate
               1 - prismatic ray
               1 - electrical execution
( 8th circle)  1 - fly
               2 - immolate
               2 - shadow shield
( 7th circle)  1 - detect invisibility
               1 - haste
               4 - bigbys clenched fist
( 6th circle)  4 - teleport
               3 - blink
( 5th circle)  5 - cone of cold
               3 - dimension door
( 4th circle)  5 - lightning bolt
               1 - farsee
               1 - ray of enfeeblement
               2 - dispel magic
( 3rd circle)  4 - concealment
               5 - shocking grasp
               1 - agility
( 2nd circle)  6 - chill touch
               4 - sleep
               1 - strength
( 1st circle)  1 - minor creation
              10 - magic missile
               1 - detect magic

And you are currently memorizing the following spells:
    2 seconds:  ( 9th) mass invisibility

You can memorize no more spells.
You continue your study.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
Cebz snaps into visibility.
A Human snaps into visibility.
Cebz attacks a Human. [1 hits]
You start meditating...

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
A Human attacks Cebz. [0 hits]

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.
You have finished memorizing mass invisibility.
Your studies are complete.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
Rolsek looks at a Human.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
A Human attempts to flee.
A Human leaves south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
Cebz sits down in a comfortable spot.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
A Human enters from the south.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: sitting >
You clamber to your feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
The oaken staff of the woodlands's magical aura dims considerably while indoors.
Jov's eyes dull as the oaken staff of the woodlands feeds on his lifeforce.
The magical aura around the oaken staff of the woodlands flares brightly once again.
Cebz clambers to his feet.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human headbutts Cebz, but apparently Cebz got the best of him.
A Human is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Human stumbles side to side with starry eyes and a lost expression... finally collapsing.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Javok says 'KTFO'

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A Human is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
A Human is mortally wounded, and will die soon, if not aided.
Cebz attacks a Human. [2 hits]

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin suddenly breaks out a quick verse from their repitiore of songs...
A vampire antipaladin keeps singing a song of a _VERY_ boring nature.
A vampire antipaladin twirls around gracefully.
A vampire antipaladin snaps into visibility.

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 779h/779H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Your heroic urges slowly fade away.

< 752h/752H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Znar's mighty battle cry rallies his comrades and instills fear
into the hearts of his enemies.
Adrenaline burns your veins as the battle cry rings in your ears.
Laz lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 752h/752H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Jov lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!
Nib lets out a huge thunderous roar! ROARRRRRRRRRRRRR!

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Noz says 'stone'

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A faint hum can be heard from the orb of the sea you are carrying.

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
A vampire antipaladin sings a song so well you feel your pain and suffering ebbing away.
Your body feels restored by the power of a vampire antipaladin's soothing song!

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Noz's skin seems to turn to stone.

< 776h/776H 160v/160V Pos: standing >
Cebz punches a Human in the throat, he chokes, gasps and dies.
A Human is dead! R.I.P.
You receive your share of experience.