PvP Battle Logs

Date Room Goods Evils
11/26/13 06:11PM Newhaven Way and Bliss Boulevard
[33 Thief] Azo (Halfling)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/26/13 01:11PM The Pier
[37 Spiritualist] Hlov (Barbarian)
[56 Demonic Rider] Nazz Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
11/26/13 03:38AM A Grassland Covered With Shrubs and Small Trees
[56 Guardian] Deathli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Blademaster] Varg The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Necrolyte] Toyan (Gnome)
[56 Storm Druid] Kroth The Empire (Centaur)
[56 Spiritualist] Ghuleh Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/26/13 03:06AM A Su-Monster Lair
[56 Shadowmage] Cora The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[50 Holyman] Imeth Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/26/13 12:00AM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[56 Guardian] Deathli The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Necrolyte] Toyan (Gnome)
[56 Shadowmage] Cora The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Forest Druid] Majk Harbingers of Justice (Grey Elf)
[56 Guardian] Jair Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
11/25/13 11:38PM The Great Sylvan Woods of Mielikki
[56 Summoner] Serral The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
11/25/13 09:44PM The Velvet Stairs
[56 Wizard] Grutan The Empire (Gnome)
[33 Forest Druid] Nort (Duergar)
11/25/13 04:48PM The Bottum of the Stairs
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Forest Druid] Majk Harbingers of Justice (Grey Elf)
[33 Warrior] Ful Harbingers of Justice (Thri-Kreen)
[56 Minstrel] Slye (Troll)
11/25/13 04:07PM The Foul Bog of Chief Bloodeye
[56 Necrolyte] Toyan (Gnome)
[32 Dark Knight] Titos (Goblin)
11/25/13 03:18PM Along Newhaven Way Before a Great City
[50 Thief] Ponpivil (Gnome)
[56 Healer] Gellz The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/25/13 04:49AM Overgrown Grasslands of the Northern Wilds
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[39 Thief] Aram Disciple of Lloth (Goblin)
11/25/13 04:49AM Along a Crumbling Cobblestone Road
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[16 Ethermancer] Minr (Orc)
11/25/13 01:10AM A Gaming Room
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[20 Bard] Gosho (Goblin)
11/25/13 12:34AM Along Bliss Boulevard
[22 Mercenary] Xra (Halfling)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/25/13 12:19AM Along Newhaven Way Before a Great City
[27 Necromancer] Fewa The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/24/13 10:35PM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[24 Necromancer] Reg (Gnome)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
11/24/13 10:02PM The Magnificent Woodlands of Evermeet
[31 Ethermancer] Lux The Empire (Human)
[56 Guardian] Jair Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
11/24/13 08:41PM The Center Crossing
[56 Necrolyte] Toyan (Gnome)
[52 Controller] Soldon The Empire (Grey Elf)
[56 Shadowmage] Cora The Empire (Gnome)
[56 Blademaster] Grotar The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[50 Red Dragon] Gukk (Ogre)
11/24/13 07:47PM Along Newhaven Way Before a Great City
[31 Ethermancer] Lux The Empire (Human)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/24/13 06:40PM The Wherston Road
[46 Thief] Cara The Empire (Dwarf)
[34 Diabolis] Dum (Kobold)
11/24/13 06:36AM Rugged Hillside of the Northern Wilds
[56 MaUleR] Bryken The Empire (Centaur)
[51 Demonic Rider] Tiu Disciple of Lloth (Ogre)
[56 Wildmage] Noir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/24/13 06:17AM Before the Ramparts that Lead to the South Gates of Shady Grove
[56 Minstrel] Jikl (Grey Elf)
[56 MaUleR] Bryken The Empire (Centaur)
[51 Swordsman] Vanek The Empire (Thri-Kreen)
[50 Forest Druid] Daq (Orc)
11/24/13 12:04AM The Great Crossroad
[49 Holyman] Bekkar The Empire (Dwarf)
[56 Controller] Kesk Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[51 Demonic Rider] Tiu Disciple of Lloth (Ogre)
[56 Thief] Pilto Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
[56 Dark Knight] Nib Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[32 Thief] Tox Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
[56 Wildmage] Noir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
11/23/13 11:28PM A Dense Forest Enshrouded by a Dismal Fog
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[33 Necrolyte] Charon (Kobold)
11/23/13 06:38AM Fertile Grasslands of the Hearth Valley
[15 BeRSeRKeR] Zela (Barbarian)
[56 Controller] Kazz (Kobold)
11/23/13 03:19AM South Smash Street
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[15 BeRSeRKeR] Boonta (Troll)
11/23/13 03:19AM The Bank Vault
[56 Thief] Dywer The Empire (Halfling)
[56 Dark Dreamer] Saif The Empire (Gnome)
[41 Minstrel] Zari Disciple of Lloth (Troll)
11/23/13 03:04AM Rolling Fertile Foothills Covered With Grass
[50 Shadowmage] Warez (Gnome)
[50 Forest Druid] Daq (Orc)
[46 Thug] Joo Disciple of Lloth (Orc)
[56 Guardian] Jair Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
11/23/13 03:03AM A Well Worn Path
[50 Shadowmage] Warez (Gnome)
[56 Thief] Yzari (Kobold)
11/23/13 02:17AM In The Dreggan Woods
[52 Holyman] Sxt The Empire (Human)
[56 Wildmage] Noir Disciple of Lloth (Kobold)
[56 Holyman] Laz Disciple of Lloth (Drow Elf)
[56 Dark Knight] Nib Disciple of Lloth (Minotaur)
[50 Forest Druid] Daq (Orc)
[40 MaUleR] Naz Disciple of Lloth (Duergar)
[46 Thug] Joo Disciple of Lloth (Orc)